Including Code Inline

The following commands are used to render source code without formatting. The source code begins on a new line, rendered in the code.

Note: Although all these commands are for rendering C++ code, the \snippet and \codeline commands are preferred over the others. These commands allow equivalent code snippets for other Qt language bindings to be substituted for the C++ snippets in the documentation.


The \code and \endcode commands enclose a snippet of source code.

Note: The \c command can be used for short code fragments within a sentence. The \code command is for longer code snippets. It renders the code verbatim in a separate paragraph in the code font.

When processing any of the \code, \newcode or \oldcode commands, QDoc removes all indentation that is common for the verbatim code blocks within a /*! ... */ comment before it adds the standard indentation. For that reason the recommended style is to use 8 spaces for the verbatim code contained within these commands

Note: This doesn't apply to externally quoted code using the \quotefromfile or \quotefile command.

/ *!
        #include <QApplication>
        #include <QPushButton>

        int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    \ endcode
* /

QDoc renders this as:

    #include <QApplication>
    #include <QPushButton>

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])

Other QDoc commands are disabled within \code... \endcode, and the special character '\' is accepted and rendered like the rest of the code.

To include code snippets from an external file, use the \snippet and \codeline commands.

See also \c, \quotefromfile, \newcode, and \oldcode.


The \newcode, \oldcode, and \endcode commands enable you to show how to port a snippet of code to a new version of an API.

The \newcode command and its companion the \oldcode command are a convenience combination of the \code commands: this combination provides a text relating the two code snippets to each other.

The \newcode command requires a preceding \oldcode statement.

Like the \code command, the \newcode command renders its code on a new line in the documentation using a monospace font and the standard indentation.

/ *!
        if (printer->setup(parent))
        QPrintDialog dialog(printer, parent);
            if (dialog.exec())
    \ endcode
* /

QDoc renders this as:

For example, if you have code like

        if (printer->setup(parent))

you can rewrite it as

        QPrintDialog dialog(printer, parent);
            if (dialog.exec())

Other QDoc commands are disabled within \oldcode ... \endcode, and the '\' character doesn't need to be escaped.


The \oldcode command requires a corresponding \newcode statement; otherwise QDoc fails to parse the command and emits a warning.

See also \newcode.


The \qml and \endqml commands enclose a snippet of QML source code. Currently, QDoc handles \qml and \endqml in exactly the same way as \code and \endcode.

/ *!
        import QtQuick 1.0

        Row {
            Rectangle {
                width: 100; height: 100
                color: "blue"
                transform: Translate { y: 20 }
            Rectangle {
                width: 100; height: 100
                color: "red"
                transform: Translate { y: -20 }
* /

QDoc renders this as:

    import QtQuick 1.0

    Row {
        Rectangle {
            width: 100; height: 100
            color: "blue"
            transform: Translate { y: 20 }
        Rectangle {
            width: 100; height: 100
            color: "red"
            transform: Translate { y: -20 }

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