TouchPoint QML Type

Describes a touch point in a MultiPointTouchArea More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick 2.4


Detailed Description

The TouchPoint type contains information about a touch point, such as the current position, pressure, and area.

Property Documentation

area : rectangle

These properties hold additional information about the current state of the touch point.

  • pressure is a value in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
  • velocity is a vector with magnitude reported in pixels per second.
  • area is a rectangle covering the area of the touch point, centered on the current position of the touch point.

Not all touch devices support velocity. If velocity is not supported, it will be reported as 0,0.

pointId : int

This property holds the point id of the touch point.

Each touch point within a MultiPointTouchArea will have a unique id.

pressed : bool

This property holds whether the touch point is currently pressed.

pressure : real

These properties hold additional information about the current state of the touch point.

  • pressure is a value in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
  • velocity is a vector with magnitude reported in pixels per second.
  • area is a rectangle covering the area of the touch point, centered on the current position of the touch point.

Not all touch devices support velocity. If velocity is not supported, it will be reported as 0,0.

previousX : real

These properties hold the previous position of the touch point.

previousY : real

These properties hold the previous position of the touch point.

sceneX : real

These properties hold the current position of the touch point in scene coordinates.

sceneY : real

These properties hold the current position of the touch point in scene coordinates.

startX : real

These properties hold the starting position of the touch point.

startY : real

These properties hold the starting position of the touch point.

velocity : vector2d

These properties hold additional information about the current state of the touch point.

  • pressure is a value in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
  • velocity is a vector with magnitude reported in pixels per second.
  • area is a rectangle covering the area of the touch point, centered on the current position of the touch point.

Not all touch devices support velocity. If velocity is not supported, it will be reported as 0,0.

x : real

These properties hold the current position of the touch point.

y : real

These properties hold the current position of the touch point.

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