Example File
webkitwidgets/browser/browser.proTEMPLATE = app TARGET = browser QT += webkitwidgets network widgets printsupport qtHaveModule(uitools):!embedded: QT += uitools else: DEFINES += QT_NO_UITOOLS FORMS += \ addbookmarkdialog.ui \ bookmarks.ui \ cookies.ui \ cookiesexceptions.ui \ downloaditem.ui \ downloads.ui \ history.ui \ passworddialog.ui \ proxy.ui \ settings.ui HEADERS += \ autosaver.h \ bookmarks.h \ browserapplication.h \ browsermainwindow.h \ chasewidget.h \ cookiejar.h \ downloadmanager.h \ edittableview.h \ edittreeview.h \ history.h \ modelmenu.h \ networkaccessmanager.h \ searchlineedit.h \ settings.h \ squeezelabel.h \ tabwidget.h \ toolbarsearch.h \ urllineedit.h \ webview.h \ xbel.h SOURCES += \ autosaver.cpp \ bookmarks.cpp \ browserapplication.cpp \ browsermainwindow.cpp \ chasewidget.cpp \ cookiejar.cpp \ downloadmanager.cpp \ edittableview.cpp \ edittreeview.cpp \ history.cpp \ modelmenu.cpp \ networkaccessmanager.cpp \ searchlineedit.cpp \ settings.cpp \ squeezelabel.cpp \ tabwidget.cpp \ toolbarsearch.cpp \ urllineedit.cpp \ webview.cpp \ xbel.cpp \ main.cpp RESOURCES += data/data.qrc htmls/htmls.qrc build_all:!build_pass { CONFIG -= build_all CONFIG += release } win32 { RC_FILE = browser.rc } mac { ICON = browser.icns QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Info_mac.plist TARGET = Browser # No 64-bit Flash on Mac, so build the browser 32-bit contains(QT_CONFIG, x86) { CONFIG -= x86_64 CONFIG += x86 } contains(QT_CONFIG, ppc) { CONFIG -= ppc64 CONFIG += ppc } } wince*: { DEPLOYMENT_PLUGIN += qjpeg qgif } EXAMPLE_FILES = Info_mac.plist browser.icns browser.ico browser.rc # install target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/webkitwidgets/browser INSTALLS += target
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