main.qml Example File

** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the Qt Data Visualization module of the Qt Toolkit.
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import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import QtDataVisualization 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import "."

Rectangle {
    id: mainview
    width: 1280
    height: 1024

    property int buttonLayoutHeight: 180;
    state: Screen.width < Screen.height ? "portrait" : "landscape"

    Data {
        id: graphData

    Axes {
        id: graphAxes

    property Bar3DSeries selectedSeries
    selectedSeries: barSeries

    function handleSelectionChange(series, position) {
        if (position != series.invalidSelectionPosition) {
            selectedSeries = series

        // Set tableView current row to selected bar
        var rowRole = series.dataProxy.rowLabels[position.x];
        var colRole
        if (barGraph.columnAxis ===
            colRole = "01";
            colRole = series.dataProxy.columnLabels[position.y];
        var checkTimestamp = rowRole + "-" + colRole
        var currentRow = tableView.currentRow
        if (currentRow === -1 || checkTimestamp !== graphData.model.get(currentRow).timestamp) {
            var totalRows = tableView.rowCount;
            for (var i = 0; i < totalRows; i++) {
                var modelTimestamp = graphData.model.get(i).timestamp
                if (modelTimestamp === checkTimestamp) {
                    tableView.currentRow = i
                    // Workaround to 5.2 row selection issue
                    if (typeof tableView.selection != "undefined") {

    Item {
        id: dataView
        anchors.right: mainview.right;
        anchors.bottom: mainview.bottom

        Bars3D {
            id: barGraph
            width: dataView.width
            height: dataView.height
            shadowQuality: AbstractGraph3D.ShadowQualityMedium
            selectionMode: AbstractGraph3D.SelectionItem
            theme: Theme3D {
                type: Theme3D.ThemeRetro
                labelBorderEnabled: true
                font.pointSize: 35
                labelBackgroundEnabled: true
                colorStyle: Theme3D.ColorStyleRangeGradient
                singleHighlightGradient: customGradient

                ColorGradient {
                    id: customGradient
                    ColorGradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#FFFF00" }
                    ColorGradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#808000" }
            barThickness: 0.7
            barSpacing: Qt.size(0.5, 0.5)
            barSpacingRelative: false
            scene.activeCamera.cameraPreset: Camera3D.CameraPresetIsometricLeftHigh
            columnAxis: graphAxes.column
            rowAxis: graphAxes.row
            valueAxis: graphAxes.value

            Bar3DSeries {
                id: secondarySeries
                visible: false
                itemLabelFormat: "Expenses, @colLabel, @rowLabel: -@valueLabel"
                baseGradient: secondaryGradient

                ItemModelBarDataProxy {
                    id: secondaryProxy
                    itemModel: graphData.model
                    rowRole: "timestamp"
                    columnRole: "timestamp"
                    valueRole: "expenses"
                    rowRolePattern: /^(\d\d\d\d).*$/
                    columnRolePattern: /^.*-(\d\d)$/
                    valueRolePattern: /-/
                    rowRoleReplace: "\\1"
                    columnRoleReplace: "\\1"
                    multiMatchBehavior: ItemModelBarDataProxy.MMBCumulative

                ColorGradient {
                    id: secondaryGradient
                    ColorGradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#FF0000" }
                    ColorGradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#600000" }

                onSelectedBarChanged: handleSelectionChange(secondarySeries, position)

            Bar3DSeries {
                id: barSeries
                itemLabelFormat: "Income, @colLabel, @rowLabel: @valueLabel"
                baseGradient: barGradient

                ItemModelBarDataProxy {
                    id: modelProxy
                    itemModel: graphData.model
                    rowRole: "timestamp"
                    columnRole: "timestamp"
                    valueRole: "income"
                    rowRolePattern: /^(\d\d\d\d).*$/
                    columnRolePattern: /^.*-(\d\d)$/
                    rowRoleReplace: "\\1"
                    columnRoleReplace: "\\1"
                    multiMatchBehavior: ItemModelBarDataProxy.MMBCumulative

                ColorGradient {
                    id: barGradient
                    ColorGradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#00FF00" }
                    ColorGradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#006000" }

                onSelectedBarChanged: handleSelectionChange(barSeries, position)

    TableView {
        id: tableView
        anchors.left: parent.left
        TableViewColumn{ role: "timestamp" ; title: "Month" ; width: tableView.width / 2 }
        TableViewColumn{ role: "expenses" ; title: "Expenses" ; width: tableView.width / 4 }
        TableViewColumn{ role: "income" ; title: "Income" ; width: tableView.width / 4 }
        itemDelegate: Item {
            Text {
                id: delegateText
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                width: parent.width
                anchors.leftMargin: 4
                anchors.left: parent.left
                anchors.right: parent.right
                color: styleData.textColor
                elide: styleData.elideMode
                text: customText
                horizontalAlignment: styleData.textAlignment

                property string originalText: styleData.value
                property string customText

                onOriginalTextChanged: {
                    if (styleData.column === 0) {
                        if (delegateText.originalText !== "") {
                            var pattern = /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)/
                            var matches = pattern.exec(delegateText.originalText)
                            var colIndex = parseInt(matches[2], 10) - 1
                            delegateText.customText = matches[1] + " - " + graphAxes.column.labels[colIndex]
                    } else {
                        delegateText.customText = originalText

        model: graphData.model

        onCurrentRowChanged: {
            var timestamp = graphData.model.get(currentRow).timestamp
            var pattern = /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)/
            var matches = pattern.exec(timestamp)
            var rowIndex = modelProxy.rowCategoryIndex(matches[1])
            var colIndex
            if (barGraph.columnAxis ===
                colIndex = 0 // Just one column when showing yearly totals
                colIndex = modelProxy.columnCategoryIndex(matches[2])
            if (selectedSeries.visible)
                mainview.selectedSeries.selectedBar = Qt.point(rowIndex, colIndex)
            else if (barSeries.visible)
                barSeries.selectedBar = Qt.point(rowIndex, colIndex)
                secondarySeries.selectedBar = Qt.point(rowIndex, colIndex)

    ColumnLayout {
        id: controlLayout
        spacing: 0

        Button {
            id: changeDataButton
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.fillHeight: true
            text: "Show 2010 - 2012"
            clip: true
            onClicked: {
                if (text === "Show yearly totals") {
                    modelProxy.autoRowCategories = true
                    secondaryProxy.autoRowCategories = true
                    modelProxy.columnRolePattern = /^.*$/
                    secondaryProxy.columnRolePattern = /^.*$/
                    graphAxes.value.autoAdjustRange = true
                    barGraph.columnAxis =
                    text = "Show all years"
                } else if (text === "Show all years") {
                    modelProxy.autoRowCategories = true
                    secondaryProxy.autoRowCategories = true
                    modelProxy.columnRolePattern = /^.*-(\d\d)$/
                    secondaryProxy.columnRolePattern = /^.*-(\d\d)$/
                    graphAxes.value.min = 0
                    graphAxes.value.max = 35
                    barGraph.columnAxis = graphAxes.column
                    text = "Show 2010 - 2012"
                } else { // text === "Show 2010 - 2012"
                    // Explicitly defining row categories, since we do not want to show data for
                    // all years in the model, just for the selected ones.
                    modelProxy.autoRowCategories = false
                    secondaryProxy.autoRowCategories = false
                    modelProxy.rowCategories = ["2010", "2011", "2012"]
                    secondaryProxy.rowCategories = ["2010", "2011", "2012"]
                    text = "Show yearly totals"

        Button {
            id: shadowToggle
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.fillHeight: true
            text: barGraph.shadowsSupported ? "Hide Shadows" : "Shadows not supported"
            clip: true
            enabled: barGraph.shadowsSupported
            onClicked: {
                if (barGraph.shadowQuality == AbstractGraph3D.ShadowQualityNone) {
                    barGraph.shadowQuality = AbstractGraph3D.ShadowQualityMedium;
                    text = "Hide Shadows"
                } else {
                    barGraph.shadowQuality = AbstractGraph3D.ShadowQualityNone;
                    text = "Show Shadows"

        Button {
            id: seriesToggle
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.fillHeight: true
            text: "Show Expenses"
            clip: true
            onClicked: {
                if (text === "Show Expenses") {
                    barSeries.visible = false
                    secondarySeries.visible = true
                    barGraph.valueAxis.labelFormat = "-%.2f M\u20AC"
                    secondarySeries.itemLabelFormat = "Expenses, @colLabel, @rowLabel: @valueLabel"
                    text = "Show Both"
                } else if (text === "Show Both") {
                    barSeries.visible = true
                    barGraph.valueAxis.labelFormat = "%.2f M\u20AC"
                    secondarySeries.itemLabelFormat = "Expenses, @colLabel, @rowLabel: -@valueLabel"
                    text = "Show Income"
                } else { // text === "Show Income"
                    secondarySeries.visible = false
                    text = "Show Expenses"

    states: [
        State  {
            name: "landscape"
            PropertyChanges {
                target: dataView
                width: mainview.width / 4 * 3
                height: mainview.height
            PropertyChanges  {
                target: tableView
                height: mainview.height - buttonLayoutHeight
                anchors.right: dataView.left
                anchors.left: mainview.left
                anchors.bottom: undefined
            PropertyChanges  {
                target: controlLayout
                width: mainview.width / 4
                height: buttonLayoutHeight
                anchors.bottom: mainview.bottom
                anchors.left: mainview.left
                anchors.right: dataView.left
        State  {
            name: "portrait"
            PropertyChanges {
                target: dataView
                width: mainview.height / 4 * 3
                height: mainview.width
            PropertyChanges  {
                target: tableView
                height: mainview.width
                anchors.right: controlLayout.left
                anchors.left: mainview.left
            PropertyChanges  {
                target: controlLayout
                width: mainview.height / 4
                height: mainview.width / 4
                anchors.left: undefined
                anchors.right: mainview.right

© 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of their respective owners. The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd. in Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.