tabwidget.cpp Example File
webenginewidgets/demobrowser/tabwidget.cpp/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: ** ** This file is part of the demonstration applications of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see For further ** information use the contact form at ** ** BSD License Usage ** Alternatively, you may use this file under the terms of the BSD license ** as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ** distribution. ** * Neither the name of The Qt Company Ltd nor the names of its ** contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ** from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "tabwidget.h" #include "browserapplication.h" #include "browsermainwindow.h" #include "downloadmanager.h" #include "fullscreennotification.h" #include "history.h" #include "savepagedialog.h" #include "urllineedit.h" #include "webview.h" #include <QWebEngineDownloadItem> #include <QWebEngineProfile> #include <QWebEngineFullScreenRequest> #include <QtCore/QMimeData> #include <QtGui/QClipboard> #include <QtWidgets/QCompleter> #include <QtWidgets/QListView> #include <QtWidgets/QMenu> #include <QtWidgets/QMessageBox> #include <QtGui/QDrag> #include <QtGui/QMouseEvent> #include <QtWidgets/QStackedWidget> #include <QtWidgets/QStyle> #include <QtWidgets/QToolButton> #include <QtCore/QDebug> TabBar::TabBar(QWidget *parent) : QTabBar(parent) { setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); setAcceptDrops(true); connect(this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(contextMenuRequested(QPoint))); QString ctrl = QLatin1String("Ctrl+%1"); for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i) { QShortcut *shortCut = new QShortcut(ctrl.arg(i), this); m_tabShortcuts.append(shortCut); connect(shortCut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(selectTabAction())); } setTabsClosable(true); connect(this, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SIGNAL(closeTab(int))); setSelectionBehaviorOnRemove(QTabBar::SelectPreviousTab); setMovable(true); } TabWidget::~TabWidget() { delete m_fullScreenNotification; delete m_fullScreenView; } void TabBar::selectTabAction() { if (QShortcut *shortCut = qobject_cast<QShortcut*>(sender())) { int index = m_tabShortcuts.indexOf(shortCut); setCurrentIndex(index); } } void TabBar::contextMenuRequested(const QPoint &position) { QMenu menu; menu.addAction(tr("New &Tab"), this, SIGNAL(newTab()), QKeySequence::AddTab); int index = tabAt(position); if (-1 != index) { QAction *action = menu.addAction(tr("Clone Tab"), this, SLOT(cloneTab())); action->setData(index); menu.addSeparator(); action = menu.addAction(tr("&Close Tab"), this, SLOT(closeTab()), QKeySequence::Close); action->setData(index); action = menu.addAction(tr("Close &Other Tabs"), this, SLOT(closeOtherTabs())); action->setData(index); menu.addSeparator(); action = menu.addAction(tr("Reload Tab"), this, SLOT(reloadTab()), QKeySequence::Refresh); action->setData(index); // Audio mute / unmute. action = menu.addAction(tr("Mute tab"), this, SLOT(muteTab())); action->setData(index); action = menu.addAction(tr("Unmute tab"), this, SLOT(unmuteTab())); action->setData(index); } else { menu.addSeparator(); } menu.addAction(tr("Reload All Tabs"), this, SIGNAL(reloadAllTabs())); menu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void TabBar::cloneTab() { if (QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender())) { int index = action->data().toInt(); emit cloneTab(index); } } void TabBar::closeTab() { if (QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender())) { int index = action->data().toInt(); emit closeTab(index); } } void TabBar::closeOtherTabs() { if (QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender())) { int index = action->data().toInt(); emit closeOtherTabs(index); } } void TabBar::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) m_dragStartPos = event->pos(); QTabBar::mousePressEvent(event); // Middle click on tab should close it. if (event->button() == Qt::MiddleButton) { const QPoint pos = event->pos(); int index = tabAt(pos); if (index != -1) { emit closeTab(index); } } } void TabBar::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->buttons() == Qt::LeftButton) { int diffX = event->pos().x() - m_dragStartPos.x(); int diffY = event->pos().y() - m_dragStartPos.y(); if ((event->pos() - m_dragStartPos).manhattanLength() > QApplication::startDragDistance() && diffX < 3 && diffX > -3 && diffY < -10) { QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this); QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData; QList<QUrl> urls; int index = tabAt(event->pos()); QUrl url = tabData(index).toUrl(); urls.append(url); mimeData->setUrls(urls); mimeData->setText(tabText(index)); mimeData->setData(QLatin1String("action"), "tab-reordering"); drag->setMimeData(mimeData); drag->exec(); } } QTabBar::mouseMoveEvent(event); } // When index is -1 index chooses the current tab void TabWidget::reloadTab(int index) { if (index < 0) index = currentIndex(); if (index < 0 || index >= count()) return; QWidget *widget = this->widget(index); if (WebView *tab = qobject_cast<WebView*>(widget)) tab->reload(); } void TabBar::reloadTab() { if (QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender())) { int index = action->data().toInt(); emit reloadTab(index); } } void TabBar::muteTab() { if (QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender())) { int index = action->data().toInt(); emit muteTab(index, true); } } void TabBar::unmuteTab() { if (QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender())) { int index = action->data().toInt(); emit muteTab(index, false); } } TabWidget::TabWidget(QWidget *parent) : QTabWidget(parent) , m_recentlyClosedTabsAction(0) , m_newTabAction(0) , m_closeTabAction(0) , m_nextTabAction(0) , m_previousTabAction(0) , m_recentlyClosedTabsMenu(0) , m_lineEditCompleter(0) , m_lineEdits(0) , m_tabBar(new TabBar(this)) , m_profile(QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()) , m_fullScreenView(0) , m_fullScreenNotification(0) { setElideMode(Qt::ElideRight); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(newTab()), this, SLOT(newTab())); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(closeTab(int)), this, SLOT(requestCloseTab(int))); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(cloneTab(int)), this, SLOT(cloneTab(int))); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(closeOtherTabs(int)), this, SLOT(closeOtherTabs(int))); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(reloadTab(int)), this, SLOT(reloadTab(int))); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(reloadAllTabs()), this, SLOT(reloadAllTabs())); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(tabMoved(int,int)), this, SLOT(moveTab(int,int))); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(tabBarDoubleClicked(int)), this, SLOT(handleTabBarDoubleClicked(int))); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(muteTab(int,bool)), this, SLOT(setAudioMutedForTab(int,bool))); setTabBar(m_tabBar); setDocumentMode(true); // Actions m_newTabAction = new QAction(QIcon(QLatin1String(":addtab.png")), tr("New &Tab"), this); m_newTabAction->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::AddTab); m_newTabAction->setIconVisibleInMenu(false); connect(m_newTabAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(newTab())); m_closeTabAction = new QAction(QIcon(QLatin1String(":closetab.png")), tr("&Close Tab"), this); m_closeTabAction->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Close); m_closeTabAction->setIconVisibleInMenu(false); connect(m_closeTabAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(requestCloseTab())); m_nextTabAction = new QAction(tr("Show Next Tab"), this); QList<QKeySequence> shortcuts; shortcuts.append(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_BraceRight)); shortcuts.append(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_PageDown)); shortcuts.append(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_BracketRight)); shortcuts.append(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Less)); m_nextTabAction->setShortcuts(shortcuts); connect(m_nextTabAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(nextTab())); m_previousTabAction = new QAction(tr("Show Previous Tab"), this); shortcuts.clear(); shortcuts.append(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_BraceLeft)); shortcuts.append(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_PageUp)); shortcuts.append(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_BracketLeft)); shortcuts.append(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Greater)); m_previousTabAction->setShortcuts(shortcuts); connect(m_previousTabAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(previousTab())); m_recentlyClosedTabsMenu = new QMenu(this); connect(m_recentlyClosedTabsMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(aboutToShowRecentTabsMenu())); connect(m_recentlyClosedTabsMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(aboutToShowRecentTriggeredAction(QAction*))); m_recentlyClosedTabsAction = new QAction(tr("Recently Closed Tabs"), this); m_recentlyClosedTabsAction->setMenu(m_recentlyClosedTabsMenu); m_recentlyClosedTabsAction->setEnabled(false); connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(currentChanged(int))); m_lineEdits = new QStackedWidget(this); } void TabWidget::clear() { // clear the recently closed tabs m_recentlyClosedTabs.clear(); // clear the line edit history for (int i = 0; i < m_lineEdits->count(); ++i) { QLineEdit *qLineEdit = lineEdit(i); qLineEdit->setText(qLineEdit->text()); } } void TabWidget::moveTab(int fromIndex, int toIndex) { QWidget *lineEdit = m_lineEdits->widget(fromIndex); m_lineEdits->removeWidget(lineEdit); m_lineEdits->insertWidget(toIndex, lineEdit); } void TabWidget::setAudioMutedForTab(int index, bool mute) { if (index < 0) index = currentIndex(); if (index < 0 || index >= count()) return; QWidget *widget = this->widget(index); if (WebView *tab = qobject_cast<WebView*>(widget)) tab->page()->setAudioMuted(mute); } void TabWidget::addWebAction(QAction *action, QWebEnginePage::WebAction webAction) { if (!action) return; m_actions.append(new WebActionMapper(action, webAction, this)); } void TabWidget::currentChanged(int index) { WebView *webView = this->webView(index); if (!webView) return; Q_ASSERT(m_lineEdits->count() == count()); WebView *oldWebView = this->webView(m_lineEdits->currentIndex()); if (oldWebView) { #if defined(QWEBENGINEVIEW_STATUSBARMESSAGE) disconnect(oldWebView, SIGNAL(statusBarMessage(QString)), this, SIGNAL(showStatusBarMessage(QString))); #endif disconnect(oldWebView->page(), SIGNAL(linkHovered(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(linkHovered(const QString&))); disconnect(oldWebView, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)), this, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int))); disconnect(oldWebView->page()->profile(), SIGNAL(downloadRequested(QWebEngineDownloadItem*)), this, SLOT(downloadRequested(QWebEngineDownloadItem*))); disconnect(oldWebView->page(), SIGNAL(fullScreenRequested(QWebEngineFullScreenRequest)), this, SLOT(fullScreenRequested(QWebEngineFullScreenRequest))); } #if defined(QWEBENGINEVIEW_STATUSBARMESSAGE) connect(webView, SIGNAL(statusBarMessage(QString)), this, SIGNAL(showStatusBarMessage(QString))); #endif connect(webView->page(), SIGNAL(linkHovered(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(linkHovered(const QString&))); connect(webView, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)), this, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int))); connect(webView->page()->profile(), SIGNAL(downloadRequested(QWebEngineDownloadItem*)), this, SLOT(downloadRequested(QWebEngineDownloadItem*))); connect(webView->page(), SIGNAL(fullScreenRequested(QWebEngineFullScreenRequest)), this, SLOT(fullScreenRequested(QWebEngineFullScreenRequest))); for (int i = 0; i < m_actions.count(); ++i) { WebActionMapper *mapper = m_actions[i]; mapper->updateCurrent(webView->page()); } emit setCurrentTitle(webView->title()); m_lineEdits->setCurrentIndex(index); emit loadProgress(webView->progress()); emit showStatusBarMessage(webView->lastStatusBarText()); if (webView->url().isEmpty()) m_lineEdits->currentWidget()->setFocus(); else webView->setFocus(); } void TabWidget::fullScreenRequested(QWebEngineFullScreenRequest request) { WebPage *webPage = qobject_cast<WebPage*>(sender()); if (request.toggleOn()) { if (!m_fullScreenView) { m_fullScreenView = new QWebEngineView(); m_fullScreenNotification = new FullScreenNotification(m_fullScreenView); QAction *exitFullScreenAction = new QAction(m_fullScreenView); exitFullScreenAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_Escape); connect(exitFullScreenAction, &QAction::triggered, [webPage] { webPage->triggerAction(QWebEnginePage::ExitFullScreen); }); m_fullScreenView->addAction(exitFullScreenAction); } webPage->setView(m_fullScreenView); request.accept(); m_fullScreenView->showFullScreen(); m_fullScreenView->raise(); m_fullScreenNotification->show(); } else { if (!m_fullScreenView) return; WebView *oldWebView = this->webView(m_lineEdits->currentIndex()); webPage->setView(oldWebView); request.accept(); // Change the delete and window hide/show back to a simple m_fullScreenView->hide() // once QTBUG-46701 gets fixed. delete m_fullScreenView; m_fullScreenView = 0; window()->hide(); window()->show(); } } void TabWidget::handleTabBarDoubleClicked(int index) { if (index != -1) return; newTab(); } QAction *TabWidget::newTabAction() const { return m_newTabAction; } QAction *TabWidget::closeTabAction() const { return m_closeTabAction; } QAction *TabWidget::recentlyClosedTabsAction() const { return m_recentlyClosedTabsAction; } QAction *TabWidget::nextTabAction() const { return m_nextTabAction; } QAction *TabWidget::previousTabAction() const { return m_previousTabAction; } QWidget *TabWidget::lineEditStack() const { return m_lineEdits; } QLineEdit *TabWidget::currentLineEdit() const { return lineEdit(m_lineEdits->currentIndex()); } WebView *TabWidget::currentWebView() const { return webView(currentIndex()); } QLineEdit *TabWidget::lineEdit(int index) const { UrlLineEdit *urlLineEdit = qobject_cast<UrlLineEdit*>(m_lineEdits->widget(index)); if (urlLineEdit) return urlLineEdit->lineEdit(); return 0; } WebView *TabWidget::webView(int index) const { QWidget *widget = this->widget(index); if (WebView *webView = qobject_cast<WebView*>(widget)) { return webView; } else { // optimization to delay creating the first webview if (count() == 1) { TabWidget *that = const_cast<TabWidget*>(this); that->setUpdatesEnabled(false); that->newTab(); that->closeTab(0); that->setUpdatesEnabled(true); return currentWebView(); } } return 0; } int TabWidget::webViewIndex(WebView *webView) const { int index = indexOf(webView); return index; } void TabWidget::setupPage(QWebEnginePage* page) { connect(page, SIGNAL(windowCloseRequested()), this, SLOT(windowCloseRequested())); connect(page, SIGNAL(geometryChangeRequested(QRect)), this, SIGNAL(geometryChangeRequested(QRect))); #if defined(QWEBENGINEPAGE_PRINTREQUESTED) connect(page, SIGNAL(printRequested(QWebEngineFrame*)), this, SIGNAL(printRequested(QWebEngineFrame*))); #endif #if defined(QWEBENGINEPAGE_MENUBARVISIBILITYCHANGEREQUESTED) connect(page, SIGNAL(menuBarVisibilityChangeRequested(bool)), this, SIGNAL(menuBarVisibilityChangeRequested(bool))); #endif #if defined(QWEBENGINEPAGE_STATUSBARVISIBILITYCHANGEREQUESTED) connect(page, SIGNAL(statusBarVisibilityChangeRequested(bool)), this, SIGNAL(statusBarVisibilityChangeRequested(bool))); #endif #if defined(QWEBENGINEPAGE_TOOLBARVISIBILITYCHANGEREQUESTED) connect(page, SIGNAL(toolBarVisibilityChangeRequested(bool)), this, SIGNAL(toolBarVisibilityChangeRequested(bool))); #endif // webview actions for (int i = 0; i < m_actions.count(); ++i) { WebActionMapper *mapper = m_actions[i]; mapper->addChild(page->action(mapper->webAction())); } } WebView *TabWidget::newTab(bool makeCurrent) { // line edit UrlLineEdit *urlLineEdit = new UrlLineEdit; QLineEdit *lineEdit = urlLineEdit->lineEdit(); if (!m_lineEditCompleter && count() > 0) { HistoryCompletionModel *completionModel = new HistoryCompletionModel(this); completionModel->setSourceModel(BrowserApplication::historyManager()->historyFilterModel()); m_lineEditCompleter = new QCompleter(completionModel, this); // Should this be in Qt by default? QAbstractItemView *popup = m_lineEditCompleter->popup(); QListView *listView = qobject_cast<QListView*>(popup); if (listView) listView->setUniformItemSizes(true); } lineEdit->setCompleter(m_lineEditCompleter); connect(lineEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(lineEditReturnPressed())); m_lineEdits->addWidget(urlLineEdit); m_lineEdits->setSizePolicy(lineEdit->sizePolicy()); // optimization to delay creating the more expensive WebView, history, etc if (count() == 0) { QWidget *emptyWidget = new QWidget; QPalette p = emptyWidget->palette(); p.setColor(QPalette::Window, palette().color(QPalette::Base)); emptyWidget->setPalette(p); emptyWidget->setAutoFillBackground(true); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(currentChanged(int))); addTab(emptyWidget, tr("(Untitled)")); connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(currentChanged(int))); return 0; } // webview WebView *webView = new WebView; webView->setPage(new WebPage(m_profile, webView)); urlLineEdit->setWebView(webView); connect(webView, SIGNAL(loadStarted()), this, SLOT(webViewLoadStarted())); connect(webView, SIGNAL(iconChanged(QIcon)), this, SLOT(webViewIconChanged(QIcon))); connect(webView, SIGNAL(titleChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(webViewTitleChanged(QString))); connect(webView->page(), SIGNAL(audioMutedChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(webPageMutedOrAudibleChanged())); connect(webView->page(), SIGNAL(recentlyAudibleChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(webPageMutedOrAudibleChanged())); connect(webView, SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)), this, SLOT(webViewUrlChanged(QUrl))); addTab(webView, tr("(Untitled)")); if (makeCurrent) setCurrentWidget(webView); setupPage(webView->page()); if (count() == 1) currentChanged(currentIndex()); emit tabsChanged(); return webView; } void TabWidget::reloadAllTabs() { for (int i = 0; i < count(); ++i) { QWidget *tabWidget = widget(i); if (WebView *tab = qobject_cast<WebView*>(tabWidget)) { tab->reload(); } } } void TabWidget::lineEditReturnPressed() { if (QLineEdit *lineEdit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>(sender())) { emit loadPage(lineEdit->text()); if (m_lineEdits->currentWidget() == lineEdit) currentWebView()->setFocus(); } } void TabWidget::windowCloseRequested() { WebPage *webPage = qobject_cast<WebPage*>(sender()); WebView *webView = qobject_cast<WebView*>(webPage->view()); int index = webViewIndex(webView); if (index >= 0) closeTab(index); } void TabWidget::closeOtherTabs(int index) { if (-1 == index) return; for (int i = count() - 1; i > index; --i) closeTab(i); for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0; --i) closeTab(i); } // When index is -1 index chooses the current tab void TabWidget::cloneTab(int index) { if (index < 0) index = currentIndex(); if (index < 0 || index >= count()) return; WebView *tab = newTab(false); tab->setUrl(webView(index)->url()); } // When index is -1 index chooses the current tab void TabWidget::requestCloseTab(int index) { if (index < 0) index = currentIndex(); if (index < 0 || index >= count()) return; WebView *tab = webView(index); if (!tab) return; tab->page()->triggerAction(QWebEnginePage::RequestClose); } void TabWidget::closeTab(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= count()) return; bool hasFocus = false; if (WebView *tab = webView(index)) { hasFocus = tab->hasFocus(); if (m_profile == QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()) { m_recentlyClosedTabsAction->setEnabled(true); m_recentlyClosedTabs.prepend(tab->url()); if (m_recentlyClosedTabs.size() >= TabWidget::m_recentlyClosedTabsSize) m_recentlyClosedTabs.removeLast(); } } QWidget *lineEdit = m_lineEdits->widget(index); m_lineEdits->removeWidget(lineEdit); lineEdit->deleteLater(); QWidget *webView = widget(index); removeTab(index); webView->deleteLater(); emit tabsChanged(); if (hasFocus && count() > 0) currentWebView()->setFocus(); if (count() == 0) emit lastTabClosed(); } void TabWidget::setProfile(QWebEngineProfile *profile) { m_profile = profile; for (int i = 0; i < count(); ++i) { QWidget *tabWidget = widget(i); if (WebView *tab = qobject_cast<WebView*>(tabWidget)) { WebPage* webPage = new WebPage(m_profile, tab); setupPage(webPage); webPage->load(tab->page()->url()); tab->setPage(webPage); } } } void TabWidget::webViewLoadStarted() { WebView *webView = qobject_cast<WebView*>(sender()); int index = webViewIndex(webView); if (-1 != index) { QIcon icon(QLatin1String(":loading.gif")); setTabIcon(index, icon); } } void TabWidget::webViewIconChanged(const QIcon &icon) { WebView *webView = qobject_cast<WebView*>(sender()); int index = webViewIndex(webView); if (-1 != index) setTabIcon(index, icon); } void TabWidget::webViewTitleChanged(const QString &title) { WebView *webView = qobject_cast<WebView*>(sender()); int index = webViewIndex(webView); if (-1 != index) { setTabText(index, title); } if (currentIndex() == index) emit setCurrentTitle(title); BrowserApplication::historyManager()->updateHistoryItem(webView->url(), title); } void TabWidget::webPageMutedOrAudibleChanged() { QWebEnginePage* webPage = qobject_cast<QWebEnginePage*>(sender()); WebView *webView = qobject_cast<WebView*>(webPage->view()); int index = webViewIndex(webView); if (-1 != index) { QString title = webView->title(); bool muted = webPage->isAudioMuted(); bool audible = webPage->recentlyAudible(); if (muted) title += tr(" (muted)"); else if (audible) title += tr(" (audible)"); setTabText(index, title); } } void TabWidget::webViewUrlChanged(const QUrl &url) { WebView *webView = qobject_cast<WebView*>(sender()); int index = webViewIndex(webView); if (-1 != index) { m_tabBar->setTabData(index, url); HistoryManager *manager = BrowserApplication::historyManager(); if (url.isValid()) manager->addHistoryEntry(url.toString()); } emit tabsChanged(); } void TabWidget::aboutToShowRecentTabsMenu() { m_recentlyClosedTabsMenu->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_recentlyClosedTabs.count(); ++i) { QAction *action = new QAction(m_recentlyClosedTabsMenu); action->setData(; QIcon icon = BrowserApplication::instance()->icon(; action->setIcon(icon); action->setText(; m_recentlyClosedTabsMenu->addAction(action); } } void TabWidget::aboutToShowRecentTriggeredAction(QAction *action) { QUrl url = action->data().toUrl(); loadUrlInCurrentTab(url); } void TabWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (!childAt(event->pos()) // Remove the line below when QTabWidget does not have a one pixel frame && event->pos().y() < (tabBar()->y() + tabBar()->height())) { newTab(); return; } QTabWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(event); } void TabWidget::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { if (!childAt(event->pos())) { m_tabBar->contextMenuRequested(event->pos()); return; } QTabWidget::contextMenuEvent(event); } void TabWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::MidButton && !childAt(event->pos()) // Remove the line below when QTabWidget does not have a one pixel frame && event->pos().y() < (tabBar()->y() + tabBar()->height())) { QUrl url(QApplication::clipboard()->text(QClipboard::Selection)); if (!url.isEmpty() && url.isValid() && !url.scheme().isEmpty()) { WebView *webView = newTab(); webView->setUrl(url); } } } void TabWidget::loadUrlInCurrentTab(const QUrl &url) { WebView *webView = currentWebView(); if (webView) { webView->loadUrl(url); webView->setFocus(); } } void TabWidget::nextTab() { int next = currentIndex() + 1; if (next == count()) next = 0; setCurrentIndex(next); } void TabWidget::previousTab() { int next = currentIndex() - 1; if (next < 0) next = count() - 1; setCurrentIndex(next); } static const qint32 TabWidgetMagic = 0xaa; QByteArray TabWidget::saveState() const { int version = 1; QByteArray data; QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream << qint32(TabWidgetMagic); stream << qint32(version); QStringList tabs; for (int i = 0; i < count(); ++i) { if (WebView *tab = qobject_cast<WebView*>(widget(i))) { tabs.append(tab->url().toString()); } else { tabs.append(QString::null); } } stream << tabs; stream << currentIndex(); return data; } bool TabWidget::restoreState(const QByteArray &state) { int version = 1; QByteArray sd = state; QDataStream stream(&sd, QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (stream.atEnd()) return false; qint32 marker; qint32 v; stream >> marker; stream >> v; if (marker != TabWidgetMagic || v != version) return false; QStringList openTabs; stream >> openTabs; for (int i = 0; i < openTabs.count(); ++i) { if (i != 0) newTab(); loadPage(; } int currentTab; stream >> currentTab; setCurrentIndex(currentTab); return true; } void TabWidget::downloadRequested(QWebEngineDownloadItem *download) { if (download->savePageFormat() != QWebEngineDownloadItem::UnknownSaveFormat) { SavePageDialog dlg(this, download->savePageFormat(), download->path()); if (dlg.exec() != SavePageDialog::Accepted) return; download->setSavePageFormat(dlg.pageFormat()); download->setPath(dlg.filePath()); } BrowserApplication::downloadManager()->download(download); download->accept(); } WebActionMapper::WebActionMapper(QAction *root, QWebEnginePage::WebAction webAction, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_currentParent(0) , m_root(root) , m_webAction(webAction) { if (!m_root) return; connect(m_root, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(rootTriggered())); connect(root, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(rootDestroyed())); root->setEnabled(false); } void WebActionMapper::rootDestroyed() { m_root = 0; } void WebActionMapper::currentDestroyed() { updateCurrent(0); } void WebActionMapper::addChild(QAction *action) { if (!action) return; connect(action, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(childChanged())); } QWebEnginePage::WebAction WebActionMapper::webAction() const { return m_webAction; } void WebActionMapper::rootTriggered() { if (m_currentParent) { QAction *gotoAction = m_currentParent->action(m_webAction); gotoAction->trigger(); } } void WebActionMapper::childChanged() { if (QAction *source = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender())) { if (m_root && m_currentParent && source->parent() == m_currentParent) { m_root->setChecked(source->isChecked()); m_root->setEnabled(source->isEnabled()); } } } void WebActionMapper::updateCurrent(QWebEnginePage *currentParent) { if (m_currentParent) disconnect(m_currentParent, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(currentDestroyed())); m_currentParent = currentParent; if (!m_root) return; if (!m_currentParent) { m_root->setEnabled(false); m_root->setChecked(false); return; } QAction *source = m_currentParent->action(m_webAction); m_root->setChecked(source->isChecked()); m_root->setEnabled(source->isEnabled()); connect(m_currentParent, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(currentDestroyed())); }
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