QWaylandCompositorExtensionTemplate Class
template <typename T> class QWaylandCompositorExtensionTemplateQWaylandCompositorExtensionTemplate is a convenience class for subclassing QWaylandCompositorExtension. More...
Header: | #include <QWaylandCompositorExtensionTemplate> |
CMake: | find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS WaylandCompositor) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::WaylandCompositor) |
qmake: | QT += waylandcompositor |
Inherits: | QWaylandCompositorExtension |
Inherited By: | QWaylandIdleInhibitManagerV1, QWaylandIviApplication, QWaylandPresentationTime, QWaylandQtTextInputMethodManager, QWaylandTextInputManager, QWaylandViewporter, QWaylandXdgDecorationManagerV1, and QWaylandXdgOutputManagerV1 |
Static Public Members
T * | findIn(QWaylandObject *container) |
Detailed Description
QWaylandCompositorExtensionTemplate is a template class which inherits QWaylandCompositorExtension and is convenience for building custom Wayland extensions with Qt.
It provides the connection between Qt Wayland Compositor and the class generated by qtwaylandscanner
, based on the XML description of the extension protocol.
It provides two specific pieces of convenience:
- A reimplementation of QWaylandCompositorExtension::extensionInterface() which returns the
pointer for the qtwaylandscanner-generated base class. - A static findIn() function which searches for an instance of the extension in a provided container, and returns this if it is found.
Typically, a new extension will dual-inherit QWaylandCompositorExtensionTemplate and the class generated by qtwaylandscanner
QWaylandCompositorExtensionTemplate should be parameterized with the subclass itself:
class MyExtension : public QWaylandCompositorExtensionTemplate<MyExtension> , QtWaylandServer::my_extension
In this example, MyExtension
is an implementation of the generated interface my_extension
See also Custom Shell.
Member Function Documentation
T *QWaylandCompositorExtensionTemplate::findIn(QWaylandObject *container)
If any instance of the interface has been registered with container, this is returned. Otherwise null is returned. The look-up is based on the generated interfaceName()
which matches the interface name in the protocol description.
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