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AppointmentsHSWidget Class Reference

The AppointmentsHSWidget widget provides information about the next or current appointment. More...

    #include <AppointmentsHSWidget>

Inherits QWidget.

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The AppointmentsHSWidget widget provides information about the next or current appointment.

The AppointmentsHSWidget is a homescreen widget that provides information about the next of current appointment entered in the Calendar application. This informtation is loaded into the valuespace so that the theme can present the information in a style consistent with the theme. The AppointmentsHSWidget is added to the homescreen theme including the widget theme element in the theme XML file as well as theme items for displaying the information, for example:

    <rect name="appointment" rect="0,0,0x60" bold="yes" color="Text" size="12" brush="None" transient="yes" active="yes" interactive="yes">
        <widget name="AppointmentsHSWidget"/>
        <layout name="appointmentsInfo" orientation="vertical" spacing="0">
            <text name="appointmenttitle" rect="0,0,0x30" bold="yes" color="Text" size="12" align="left,vcenter">
                expr: " " . @/PIM/Appointments/Next/title
            <text name="appointmentlocandtime" rect="0,0,0x30" bold="yes" color="Text" size="12" align="left,vcenter">
                expr: " " . @/PIM/Appointments/Next/location . " " . @/PIM/Appointments/Next/time

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Qt Extended 4.4.3