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CallTypeSelector Class Reference

The CallTypeSelector class allows the user to choose what type of telephony call he intends to do. More...

    #include <CallTypeSelector>

Inherits QDialog.

Public Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The CallTypeSelector class allows the user to choose what type of telephony call he intends to do.

This dialog assist during the dial process. If a device supports VoIP and GSM/3G calls the user has to chose which type of call he intend to do.

The setAvailablePolicyManagers() function should be called before the dialog is shown. It initializes the list of available call types. Once the user has made the selection selectedPolicyManager() returns the decision.

See also QAbstractCallPolicyManager.

Member Function Documentation

CallTypeSelector::CallTypeSelector ( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 )

Creates a new CallTypeSelector instance with the given parent and flags.

CallTypeSelector::~CallTypeSelector ()

Destroys the CallTypeSelector instance.

QString CallTypeSelector::selectedPolicyManager () const

Returns the selected call manager, e.g. VoIP if the user selected a VoIP call.

This function is marked as invokable and can be called via QMetaObject::invokeMethod().

void CallTypeSelector::setAvailablePolicyManagers ( const QStringList & availableManagers )

This function must be called before the dialog is shown. It initialises the list of call managers using availableManagers.

availableManagers contains the list of call types that the user can make. A call manager is identified via QAbstractCallPolicyManager::callType().

This function is marked as invokable and can be called via QMetaObject::invokeMethod().

See also QAbstractCallPolicyManager::callType().

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Qt Extended 4.4.3