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FavoritesService Class Reference

The FavoritesService class provides the Qt Extended Favorites service. More...

    #include <FavoritesService>

Inherits QtopiaAbstractService.

Public Slots

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The FavoritesService class provides the Qt Extended Favorites service.

The Favorites service can be used by applications to add and remove entries in the favorite services list.

For a more detailed explanation of the favorite services list see QFavoriteServicesModel

See also QFavoriteServicesModel.

Member Function Documentation

void FavoritesService::add ( QtopiaServiceDescription desc )   [slot]

Adds the given service description, desc, to the favorites list, if it is not already in the list.

See also QFavoriteServicesModel::insert().

void FavoritesService::addAndEdit ( QtopiaServiceDescription desc )   [slot]

Adds the provided description, desc, and opens a dialog allowing the user to manipulate the new description in the favorites list.

void FavoritesService::remove ( QtopiaServiceDescription desc )   [slot]

Removes the given service description, desc, from the favorites list, if it is already in the list.

See also QFavoriteServicesModel::remove().

void FavoritesService::select ()   [slot]

Provides a dialog form which the user can select and launch a service from the favortites list

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Qt Extended 4.4.3