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PIM: Contacts
Functional Description

The Contacts application allows the user to create contacts for storing information such as name, phone numbers, addresses and other personal information.


Add Contact

It is possible to add a contact. The user is able to specify as little as the name of the contact in order to create a new record.

Associating an Image with a Contact

An image stored on the device's file-system or taken directly from the device's camera may be associated with a contact. This image will displayed as part of the contact information where the contact is listed in the Contacts application, Call History, Dialer and Messages application.


It is possible to beam all or a single contact to or from another device using IR or Bluetooth.

Buddy list management

This feature is provided as part of one or more Reference Designs.

Instant Message contacts, or 'Buddies', can be:

In most cases, a buddy isn't formalized until the target has accepted an invitation to the buddy list. In this instance, the contact is shown in a waiting state until the invitation is accepted.

Call Contact

It is possible to call a contact with an associated phone number by selecting the contact's phone number when viewing their details.

Contact view remote attributes

Each contact is associated with attributes obtained from the connected server.

These are defined as:

  1. presence - A symbol or otherwise indicating the contact's online status
  2. status-string - A user defined string indicating the contact's presence e.g. "I'm in the bath"
  3. avatar - photo, saved image or other (e.g. a client-side selection of default images) user-defined picture

Contact Views

It is possible to view contacts in the following three ways:

Sorted List

The primary display of the application shows a sorted list of contacts.

From the sorted list view the user is able to:

Detailed View

The detailed view of a contact shows data for a single contact. This is shown as
rich text. All the information for the task is shown formatted for optimum readability.

From the detailed list view the user is able to:

Edit View

The edit view of a contact allows the user to specify the data for a new contact
or modify that of an existing contact. Once the user has finished they may either accept or discard the changes.

Data Fields

A contact consists of the following data:

Name fields support extended characters.

Delete Contact

It is possible to delete a contact. The user is prompted to verify the deletion
of any contact.

Edit Contact

It is possible to modify a contact an unlimited number of times.

Email Contact

It is possible to email a contact with a valid email address by
launching the Messages application with the contact's
name and email address in the To field.

QDL Support

It is possible to access contacts via other applications via the QDL service interface.
When activated the Contacts application runs and shows the contact.

QDL links can be embedded into the notes of a contact. When in the detailed view,
clicking on a QDL link activates the link's application.

SIM provides backup for phone contacts.

This feature is provided as part of the Touchscreen Phone Reference Design.

The SIM card addressbook is used as a form of automatic backup of phone contacts.

  1. When a SIM card is inserted, all contacts on the SIM card appear within the Contacts application and are searchable in applications using the QContactModel API
  2. When the SIM card is removed any contacts on the SIM that are completely represented on the SIM no longer appear in the Contacts application. This in turn means that the contact list before a SIM is inserted is the same after the SIM is removed provided no contacts were edited, removed or created while the SIM was inserted
  3. If there is space on the SIM card, new contacts are automatically stored on the SIM. Removing the SIM also removes the contact. Reinserting the SIM results in the contact returning to the contact list with no data change or loss.
  4. If there is not space on the SIM the contact is only stored in phone memory. Removing or inserting SIM cards has no effect on the contact.
  5. If the contact only partially fits on the SIM (for instance has both phone numbers and notes/birthdays/portrait) then the parts of the contact that can be stored on the SIM are stored on the SIM, but the contact remains in the phone memory and does not change with insertion or removal of the SIM.
  6. The definition of a contact that can be stored wholly on the SIM is a contact with a label (combination of name fields) short enough to fit within the SIM label limit leaving space for phone type modifiers, and only phone number information besides the label. A contact is not stored on the SIM if there isn't enough room to fit all phone numbers of the contact on the SIM (no partial phone number list backups).
  7. Editing a contact that was stored wholly on the SIM so that it no longer can be stored wholly on the SIM results in the contact now being a partially fitting contact.
  8. Editing a contact that was stored partially on the SIM so it now can be stored wholly on the SIM results in the contact being treated as wholly on the SIM, as per contacts originating from the SIM.
  9. Multiple entries in the SIM addressbook with an equivalent label, for instance 'bob /w', 'bob /m', are represented as a single contact in the QContactModel, for instance 'bob, with both a work and mobile number'.

Simplified contact editing

This feature is provided as part of the Deskphone Reference Design.

The user can create/edit a contact by selecting the appropriate item from the More menu. Fields can be filled while creating a new contact, or editing the contact.
Addresses are added by presenting the user with an input for each address component.

The Qt Extended Home contact editor prompts the user to add their desired non-essential fields individually by selecting 'New Field' rather than be overwhelmed by many options.

SMS Contact

It is possible to SMS a contact with an associated mobile phone number by selecting the contact's SMS mobile phone number.

Transferring via Email

It is possible to email all or a single contact to or from another device as an
email attachment.

Transferring via SMS

It is possible to SMS all or a single contact to or from another device using
the SMS protocol.

Unified PIM and IM contact lists

The Contacts list displays both standard address book contacts and Instant Messaging contacts - also known as a "buddy list" - in the same view

In general, IM contacts have a unique identifier (email address, name) that may be duplicate with similar fields for the same person in the standard contacts list.

If not already merged, Qt Extended will recognize these similarities and prompt the user to merge this information into the one contact.

VCard 2.1

Conforms to VCard 2.1 specification.

Copyright © 2009 Nokia Trademarks
Qt Extended 4.4.3