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PIM: Text Notes
Functional Description

The Notes application allows the user to create and manage simple text notes. The user is able to browse through notes on their device, create notes, edit notes, delete notes, and edit the properties of notes.


Browse Notes

The user is able to browse through notes on their device. The user is able to browse through all notes or only notes belonging to specific categories.

Create Note

The user is able to create new notes.

Delete Note

The user is able to delete notes from their device.

Edit Note

The user is able to edit the text contained in a note.

Edit Note Properties

The user is able to edit the properties of notes on their device. The user is able to rename, change storage location, and change the category of a note.

File Size Limit

In order to prevent poor system performance in extreme cases, the Text Notes application refuses to load files larger than 250K. The exact limit is set by the Trolltech/TextEdit/Limits/FileSize settings value.

Find Text

The user is able to find words or sentences contained in a note.

Line Wrap

The user is able to view notes with line wrapping enabled.

Save Note

Once the user has finished editing a note they are able to save or discard the changes.

Zoom Note

The user is able to zoom in and out of a note. The font size increase when zooming in and decreases when zooming out.

Copyright © 2009 Nokia Trademarks
Qt Extended 4.4.3