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Enablers: USB
Functional Description


USB Client - Mass Storage

A Qt Extended device can appear as a USB mass storage device when connected to a host computer. Enabling the exchange of documents stored on the device's internal and removable storage locations.

It manages exclusive access to the storage locations. After ejecting from the host machine new and removed files are automatically noticed by the Content System.

USB Client - Network

Qt Extended supports USB client hardware configured to emulate an Ethernet interface. The Internet Settings application is used to setup and manage the interface.

USB infrastructure support

USB is a wired serial bus that allows up to 127 peripheral (client) devices to be connected to a host machine. The bus has a host machine (typically a computer) at the top of a tree with client devices connected in a tiered-star topology. The host machine manages all communication on the bus. The USB standard defines communication protocols for a range of device classes such as networking, mass storage, serial/modems, human interface devices (HID), cameras, printers and audio devices.

Qt Extended USB Infrastructure support can be enabled for devices with USB client capable hardware.

It provides an API for:

The USB Connection Mode dialog is shown, by default, when a USB cable is connected. It presents the user with a list of connection modes to choose from.

Copyright © 2009 Nokia Trademarks
Qt Extended 4.4.3