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IrFileSendService Class Reference

The IrFileSendService class runs the InfraredBeaming service and provides updates regarding the progress of each file transfer request that is sent through the service. More...

    #include <IrFileSendService>

Inherits FileTransferTask.

Public Functions


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The IrFileSendService class runs the InfraredBeaming service and provides updates regarding the progress of each file transfer request that is sent through the service.

A unique ID is generated for each request that is sent through the InfraredBeaming service. This ID is used to provide transfer updates through the outgoingTransferStarted(), transferProgress() and transferFinished() signals. The ID can also be used to cancel transfers using abortTransfer().

Note: This class is part of the Qt Extended server and cannot be used by other Qt Extended applications.

Member Function Documentation

IrFileSendService::IrFileSendService ( QObject * parent = 0 )

Creates a service with parent object parent.

IrFileSendService::~IrFileSendService ()

Destroys the service.

void IrFileSendService::outgoingTransferStarted ( int id, const QString & name, const QString & mimeType, const QString & description )   [signal]

This signal is emitted when a transfer request begins. The id uniquely identifies the transfer, as provided by FileTransferTask::IrFileSendService::nextTransferId(). The name, mimeType and description are respectively set to the Name, Type and Description metadata values that will be sent in the request.

void IrFileSendService::transferFinished ( int id, bool error, bool aborted )   [signal]

This signal is emitted when the transfer identified by id is finished. error is true if the transfer failed, and aborted is true if the transfer was aborted following a call to abortRequest().

void IrFileSendService::transferProgress ( int id, qint64 done, qint64 total )   [signal]

This signal is emitted to indicate the progress of the transfer identified by id. done is the amount of data that has already been sent, and total is the total amount of data to be sent. If the total amount cannot be determined, total is set to 0.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3