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VolumeSlider Class Reference
[Phonon module]

The VolumeSlider widget provides a slider that is used to control the volume of an audio output device. More...

 #include <Phonon>

Inherits QWidget.

This class was introduced in Qt 4.4.


Public Functions

Public Slots

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The VolumeSlider widget provides a slider that is used to control the volume of an audio output device.

The slider also displays an icon indicating if the volume of the AudioOutput it is connected to is muted. The icon can be removed with setMuteVisible().

It is possible to set the maximum value of the slider. By default, the minimum and maximum values of the slider are 0.0 (no sound) to 1.0 (the maximum volume the audio output can produce).

Here follows a code example:

     Phonon::AudioOutput *audioOutput = new Phonon::AudioOutput(Phonon::MusicCategory);
     Phonon::createPath(mediaObject, audioOutput);

     Phonon::VolumeSlider *volumeSlider = new Phonon::VolumeSlider;

Author: Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>

Property Documentation

iconSize : QSize

This property holds the icon size used for the mute button/icon.

The default size is defined by the GUI style.

Access functions:

maximumVolume : qreal

This property holds the maximum volume that can be set with this slider.

By default the maximum value is 1.0 (100%).

Access functions:

muteVisible : bool

This property holds whether the mute button/icon next to the slider is visible.

By default the mute button/icon is visible.

Access functions:

orientation : Qt::Orientation

This property holds the orientation of the slider.

The orientation must be Qt::Vertical (the default) or Qt::Horizontal.

Access functions:

pageStep : int

This property holds the page step.

The larger of two natural steps that a slider provides and typically corresponds to the user pressing PageUp or PageDown.

Defaults to 5 (5% of the voltage).

Access functions:

singleStep : int

This property holds the single step.

The smaller of two natural steps that a slider provides and typically corresponds to the user pressing an arrow key.

Defaults to 1 (1% of the voltage).

Access functions:

tracking : bool

This property holds whether slider tracking is enabled.

If tracking is enabled (the default), the volume changes while the slider is being dragged. If tracking is disabled, the volume changes only when the user releases the slider.

Access functions:

Member Function Documentation

VolumeSlider::VolumeSlider ( QWidget * parent = 0 )

Constructs a new volume slider with the given parent.

VolumeSlider::VolumeSlider ( AudioOutput * output, QWidget * parent = 0 )

Constructs a new volume slider with the given output object and parent.

VolumeSlider::~VolumeSlider ()

AudioOutput * VolumeSlider::audioOutput () const

See also setAudioOutput().

void VolumeSlider::setAudioOutput ( Phonon::AudioOutput * output )   [slot]

Sets the audio output object to be controlled by this slider to the specified output object.

See also audioOutput().

Copyright © 2008 Nokia Trademarks
Qt 4.4.3