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QAnalogClock Class Reference

The QAnalogClock widget displays an analog clock face. More...

    #include <QAnalogClock>

Inherits QFrame.

Inherited by AnalogClockHSWidget.

Public Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QAnalogClock widget displays an analog clock face.

The QAnalogClock widget displays an analog clock face.

The clock is not animated. You must call QAnalogClock::display() to display an appropriate time.

This class exists to ensure consistent appearance of such a widget in Qtopia.

Member Function Documentation

QAnalogClock::QAnalogClock ( QWidget * parent = 0 )

Creates an analog clock face with the given parent.

QAnalogClock::~QAnalogClock ()

Destroys the analog clock face.

void QAnalogClock::display ( const QTime & time )

Displays the time on the clock.

void QAnalogClock::setFace ( const QPixmap & face )

Sets the background image for the clock face. The default image is null. Hourly tick marks and the clock hands are drawn over this image.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3