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QAtChatScript Class Reference

The QAtChatScript class provides a mechanism to run pppd chat scripts. More...

    #include <QAtChatScript>

Inherits QObject.

Public Functions

Public Slots


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QAtChatScript class provides a mechanism to run pppd chat scripts.

This class is intended for use by the Qt Extended network component. Other components should use QAtChat.

Chat scripts are started by calling runChat() or runChatFile(). When the script completes successfully or unsuccessfully, the done() signal will be emitted. Scripts can be aborted prematurely by calling stop().

The chat script format is based on that used by the Unix chat(8) utility.

See also QAtChat.

Member Function Documentation

QAtChatScript::QAtChatScript ( QAtChat * atchat, QObject * parent = 0 )

Construct a chat script object that sends AT commands from the script on atchat. The new object will be attached to parent.

QAtChatScript::~QAtChatScript ()

Destruct this chat script object.

void QAtChatScript::done ( bool ok, const QAtResult & result )   [signal]

Signal that is emitted when the chat script is done. The ok flag indicates whether the script succeeded or failed, and result indicates more information about the failure (busy, no carrier, etc).

See also runChat(), runChatFile(), and successfulCommands().

void QAtChatScript::runChat ( const QString & chatScript )   [slot]

Run a literal chatScript. The done() signal will be emitted when the script completes.

The chat script format is based on that used by the Unix chat(8) utility.

See also runChatFile() and done().

void QAtChatScript::runChat ( const QStringList & commands )   [slot]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Run a list of commands which have already been parsed from a chat script. The done() signal will be emitted when the script completes.

See also runChatFile() and done().

void QAtChatScript::runChatFile ( const QString & filename )   [slot]

Run the chat script within filename. The done() signal will be emitted when the script completes.

The chat script format is based on that used by the Unix chat(8) utility.

See also runChat() and done().

void QAtChatScript::stop ()   [slot]

Stop the chat script.

See also runChat() and runChatFile().

int QAtChatScript::successfulCommands () const

Returns the number of commands that were successful. If this is less than totalCommands() when the done() signal is emitted, then the script stopped with an error before the whole script could be executed.

See also totalCommands() and done().

int QAtChatScript::totalCommands () const

Returns the total number of commands to be executed in the chat script.

See also successfulCommands().

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Qt Extended 4.4.3