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QDrmRights Class Reference

The QDrmRights class describes the status and constraints associated with a permission for DRM protected content. More...

    #include <QDrmRights>

Public Types

Public Functions

Static Public Members

Detailed Description

The QDrmRights class describes the status and constraints associated with a permission for DRM protected content.

A drm rights object represents the rights associated with an item of content for a permission. It is composed of a permission, the current status of the rights, and a list of constraints imposed on the consumption of the content.

Member Type Documentation

typedef QDrmRights::ConstraintList

Synonym for QList< QDrmRights::Constraint >

enum QDrmRights::Permission
flags QDrmRights::Permissions

Represents an action permission is being sought for.

Render permissions:

QDrmRights::Play0x0001Playback permission for media files.
QDrmRights::Display0x0002Display permission for images and documents.
QDrmRights::Execute0x0004Execute permission for applications.
QDrmRights::Print0x0008Print permission for images and documents.
QDrmRights::Export0x0010Export data to another DRM format. OMA DRM v2 only. Secondary permissions:
QDrmRights::Distribute0x0020Move content to another device.
QDrmRights::Preview0x0040Permission to render a preview version of the content.
QDrmRights::Automated0x0080Content may be used in automated renderings such as ring tones.
QDrmRights::BrowseContents0x0100Permission to browse the contents of a container. Additional states:
QDrmRights::Unrestricted0x7F00 | Play | Display | Execute | Print | Export | Distribute | Preview | Automated | BrowseContentsPermission to open content for any use. This will never be granted for DRM protected content.
QDrmRights::NoPermissions0x0000The content cannot be rendered with any permission or distributed.
QDrmRights::InvalidPermission0x8000Uninitalized permission state.

The Permissions type is a typedef for QFlags<Permission>. It stores an OR combination of Permission values.

enum QDrmRights::Status

Represents the status of the rights.

QDrmRights::Invalid0Indicates there are no valid rights associated with the content the rights were requested for.
QDrmRights::Valid1Indicates the content the rights were requested for are valid and the content can be accessed.
QDrmRights::ValidInFuture2Indicates there are rights associated with the content the rights were requested but they will not be valid until some later date.

Member Function Documentation

QDrmRights::QDrmRights ()

Constructs a QDrmRights object.

The inital status of the rights object is Unprotected.

QDrmRights::QDrmRights ( Permission permission, Status status, const ConstraintList & constraints = ConstraintList() )

Constructs a drm rights object with given permission, status and constraints.

QDrmRights::QDrmRights ( const QDrmRights & other )

Construct of copy of other.

QDrmRights::~QDrmRights ()

Destroys a QDrmRights object.

ConstraintList QDrmRights::constraints () const

Returns a list of constraints imposed by the rights.

Permission QDrmRights::permission () const

Returns the permission rights information is available for.

Status QDrmRights::status () const

Returns the status of the rights.

QString QDrmRights::toString ( Permission permission )   [static]

Returns a string representation of a DRM permission.

QString QDrmRights::toString ( Permission permission, Status status )   [static]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Returns a string representation of a DRM permission for a status.

QDrmRights & QDrmRights::operator= ( const QDrmRights & other )

Assigns the value of other to a QDrmRights object.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3