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QExportedBackground Class Reference

The QExportedBackground class provides access to the system background. More...

    #include <QExportedBackground>

Inherits QObject.

Public Functions


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QExportedBackground class provides access to the system background.

Qt Extended provides a global background to all windows in order to give the impression that windows are transparent. This background is automatically available in all windows due to QPhoneStyle setting appropriate palettes for all widgets. In some cases it is desireable to use the background directly, or to be notified that the background pixmap has changed. QExportedBackground provides this functionality.

Member Function Documentation

QExportedBackground::QExportedBackground ( QObject * parent = 0 )

Constructs a QExportedBackground for the default screen with the given parent.

QExportedBackground::QExportedBackground ( int screen, QObject * parent = 0 )

Constructs a QExportedBackground for screen number screen with the given parent.

Qt supports multiple screens. This is commonly seen in flip phones with both internal and external screens. The background for each screen may be different. Qt Extended assumes that the primary screen is screen number 0 and the secondary screen is screen number 1.

See also QDesktopWidget.

QExportedBackground::~QExportedBackground ()

Destroys a QExportedBackground.

const QPixmap & QExportedBackground::background () const

Returns the exported background.

void QExportedBackground::changed ()   [signal]

This signal is emitted when the exported background changes.

void QExportedBackground::changed ( const QPixmap & background )   [signal]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

This signal is emitted when the exported background changes. The background argument is the new background.

bool QExportedBackground::isAvailable () const

Returns whether an exported background is available.

QPixmap QExportedBackground::wallpaper () const

This function is deprecated.

Returns the wallpaper.

As of Qtopia 4.3 the wallpaper is the same as the background. Use background() instead.

void QExportedBackground::wallpaperChanged ()   [signal]

This function is deprecated.

This signal is emitted when the wallpaper changes.

See also wallpaper().

Copyright © 2009 Nokia Trademarks
Qt Extended 4.4.3