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QFavoriteServicesList Class Reference

The QFavoriteServicesList widget presents a list of services. More...

    #include <QFavoriteServicesList>

Inherits QSmoothList.

Public Functions


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QFavoriteServicesList widget presents a list of services.

An implementation of a UI for the Favorite services list.

This class is a Qt Extended server widget. It is part of the Qt Extended server and cannot be used by other Qt Extended applications.

Member Function Documentation

QFavoriteServicesList::QFavoriteServicesList ( QWidget * parent = 0 )

Constructs a QFavoriteServicesList object with the given parent.

QFavoriteServicesList::~QFavoriteServicesList ()

Destroys the QFavoriteServicesList

int QFavoriteServicesList::rowCount ()

Returns the number of rows in the list

void QFavoriteServicesList::selected ( const QModelIndex & index )   [signal]

This signal is emitted when a model index is selected. index is the index that was selected.

void QFavoriteServicesList::setCurrentRow ( int row )

Sets the current row to row, as long as 0 <= row < rowCount()

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Qt Extended 4.4.3