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QMailComposerFactory Class Reference
[QtMessagingModule, QtPimModule]

The QMailComposerFactory class creates objects implementing the QMailComposerInterface interface. More...

    #include <QMailComposerFactory>

Static Public Members

Detailed Description

The QMailComposerFactory class creates objects implementing the QMailComposerInterface interface.

The QMailComposerFactory class creates objects that are able to compose mail messages, and that implement the QMailComposerInterface interface. The factory chooses an implementation based on the type of message to be composed.

The QMailComposerInterface class describes the interface supported by classes that can be created by the QMailComposerFactory class. To create a new class that can be created via the QMailComposerFactory, implement a plug-in that derives from QMailComposerPlugin.

See also QMailComposerInterface and QMailComposerPlugin.

Member Function Documentation

QMailComposerInterface * QMailComposerFactory::create ( const QString & key, QWidget * parent = 0 )   [static]

Creates a composer object of the class identified by key, setting the returned object to have the parent widget parent.

QString QMailComposerFactory::defaultKey ( QMailMessage::MessageType type = QMailMessage::AnyType )   [static]

Returns the key identifying the first class found that can compose messages of type type.

QIcon QMailComposerFactory::displayIcon ( const QString & key, QMailMessage::MessageType type )   [static]

Returns the display icon for the message type type created by the composer identified by key.

See also QMailComposerInterface::displayIcon().

QString QMailComposerFactory::displayName ( const QString & key, QMailMessage::MessageType type )   [static]

Returns the display name for the message type type created by the composer identified by key.

See also QMailComposerInterface::displayName().

QStringList QMailComposerFactory::keys ( QMailMessage::MessageType type = QMailMessage::AnyType, QMailMessage::ContentType contentType = QMailMessage::NoContent )   [static]

Returns a list of keys identifying classes that can compose messages of type type containing contentType content.

QList<QMailMessage::MessageType> QMailComposerFactory::messageTypes ( const QString & key )   [static]

Returns the message types created by the composer identified by key.

See also QMailComposerInterface::messageTypes().

QString QMailComposerFactory::name ( const QString & key, QMailMessage::MessageType type )   [static]

Returns the name for the message type type created by the composer identified by key.

See also QMailComposerInterface::name().

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