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QMailMessage Class Reference
[QtMessagingModule, QtPimModule]

The QMailMessage class provides a convenient interface for working with messages. More...

    #include <QMailMessage>

This class is under development and is subject to change.

Inherits QMailMessageMetaData and QMailMessagePartContainer.

Public Types

Public Functions

Static Public Members

Detailed Description

The QMailMessage class provides a convenient interface for working with messages.

QMailMessage supports a number of types. These include telephony types such as SMS and MMS, and internet email messages as defined in RFC 2822 (Internet Message Format), and RFC 2045 (Format of Internet Message Bodies) through RFC 2049 (Conformance Criteria and Examples).

The most common way to use QMailMessage is to initialize it from raw data using QMailMessage::fromRfc2822().

A QMailMessage can also be constructed piece by piece using functions such as setMessageType(), setFrom(), setTo(), setSubject(), and setBody() or appendPart(). Convenience functions such as from()/setFrom() and date()/setDate() accept and return wrapper types, to simplify the exchange of correctly-formatted data. In some cases, however, it may be simpler for clients to get and set the content of header fields directly, using the headerField() and setHeaderField() functions inherited from QMailMessagePartContainer.

Messages can be added to the QMailStore, or retrieved from the store via their QMailMessageId identifier. The QMailMessage object also provides acces to any relevant meta data describing the message, using the functions inherited from QMailMessageMetaData.

A message may be serialized to a QDataStream, or returned as a QByteArray using toRfc2822().

See also QMailMessageMetaData, QMailMessagePart, QMailMessageBody, QMailStore, and QMailMessageId.

Member Type Documentation

enum QMailMessage::AttachmentsAction

This enum type is used to describe the action that should be performed on each message attachment.

QMailMessage::LinkToAttachments0Add a part to the message containing a link to the supplied attachment. If the document is removed, the message will no longer have access to the data.
QMailMessage::CopyAttachments1Add a part to the message containing a copy of the data in the supplied attachment. If the document is removed, the message will still contain the data.
QMailMessage::CopyAndDeleteAttachments2Add a part to the message containing a copy of the data in the supplied attachment, then delete the document from which the data was copied.

enum QMailMessage::EncodingFormat

This enum type is used to describe the format in which a message should be serialized.

QMailMessage::HeaderOnlyFormat1Only the header portion of the message is serialized, to RFC 2822 form.
QMailMessage::StorageFormat2The message is serialized to RFC 2822 form, without attachments.
QMailMessage::TransmissionFormat3The entire message is serialized to RFC 2822 form, with additional header fields added if necessary, and 'bcc' header field omitted.
QMailMessage::IdentityFormat4The entire message is serialized to RFC 2822 form, with only Content-Type and Content-Transfer-Encoding headers added where required.

Member Function Documentation

QMailMessage::QMailMessage ()

Constructs an empty message object.

QMailMessage::QMailMessage ( const QMailMessageId & id )

Constructs a message object from data stored in the message store with QMailMessageId id.

QMailMessage::QMailMessage ( const QString & uid, const QMailAccountId & accountId )

Constructs a message object from data stored in the message store with the unique identifier uid from the account with id accountId.

QList<QMailAddress> QMailMessage::bcc () const   [virtual]

Returns a list of all the bcc (blind carbon copy) recipients specified for the message.

See also setBcc(), to(), cc(), and QMailAddress.

QList<QMailAddress> QMailMessage::cc () const   [virtual]

Returns a list of all the cc (carbon copy) recipients specified for the message.

See also setCc(), to(), bcc(), and QMailAddress.

QMailMessage QMailMessage::fromRfc2822 ( const QByteArray & byteArray )   [static]

Constructs a mail message from the RFC 2822 data contained in byteArray.

QMailMessage QMailMessage::fromRfc2822File ( const QString & fileName )   [static]

Constructs a mail message from the RFC 2822 data contained in the file fileName.

bool QMailMessage::hasRecipients () const   [virtual]

Returns true if there are any recipients (either To, CC or BCC addresses) defined for this message; otherwise returns false.

QString QMailMessage::inReplyTo () const   [virtual]

Returns the message ID specified by the RFC 2822 'In-Reply-To' field for the message, if present.

See also setInReplyTo().

QList<QMailAddress> QMailMessage::recipients () const   [virtual]

Returns a list of all the recipients specified for the message, either as To, CC, or BCC addresses.

See also to(), cc(), bcc(), and hasRecipients().

QMailAddress QMailMessage::replyTo () const   [virtual]

Returns the address specified by the RFC 2822 'Reply-To' field for the message, if present.

See also setReplyTo().

void QMailMessage::setBcc ( const QList<QMailAddress> & bccList )   [virtual]

Set the list of bcc (blind carbon copy) recipients for the message to bccList.

See also bcc(), setTo(), and setCc().

void QMailMessage::setCc ( const QList<QMailAddress> & ccList )   [virtual]

Set the list of cc (carbon copy) recipients for the message to ccList.

See also setTo() and setBcc().

void QMailMessage::setInReplyTo ( const QString & messageId )   [virtual]

Sets the RFC 2822 'In-Reply-To' field for the message to messageId.

See also inReplyTo().

void QMailMessage::setReplyTo ( const QMailAddress & address )   [virtual]

Sets the RFC 2822 'Reply-To' address of the message to address.

See also replyTo().

QByteArray QMailMessage::toRfc2822 ( EncodingFormat format = TransmissionFormat ) const

Returns the message in RFC 2822 format. The encoded content will vary depending on the value of format.

void QMailMessage::toRfc2822 ( QDataStream & out, EncodingFormat format = TransmissionFormat ) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Writes the message to the output stream out, in RFC 2822 format. The encoded content will vary depending on the value of format.

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