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Status Class Reference
[QtMessagingModule, QtTelephonyModule]

The Status class encapsulates the instantaneous state of a QMailServiceAction. More...

This class is under development and is subject to change.

Public Types

Public Functions

Public Variables

Detailed Description

The Status class encapsulates the instantaneous state of a QMailServiceAction.

QMailServiceAction::Status contains the pieces of information that describe the state of a requested action. The errorCode reflects the overall state, and may be supplemented by a description in text.

If errorCode is not equal to ErrNoError, then each of accountId, folderId and messageId may have been set to a valid identifier, if pertinent to the situation.

Member Type Documentation

enum Status::ErrorCode

This enum type is used to identify common error conditions encountered when implementing service actions.

QMailServiceAction::Status::ErrNoError0No error was encountered.
QMailServiceAction::Status::ErrCancel3The operation was canceled by user intervention.
QMailServiceAction::Status::ErrConfiguration10The configuration needed for the requested action is invalid.
QMailServiceAction::Status::ErrNoConnection7A connection could not be established to the external service.
QMailServiceAction::Status::ErrConnectionInUse8The connection to the external service is exclusively held by another user.
QMailServiceAction::Status::ErrConnectionNotReady9The connection to the external service is not ready for operation.
QMailServiceAction::Status::ErrUnknownResponse1The response from the external service could not be handled.
QMailServiceAction::Status::ErrLoginFailed2The external service did not accept the supplied authentication details.
QMailServiceAction::Status::ErrFileSystemFull4The action could not be performed due to insufficient storage space.
QMailServiceAction::Status::ErrNonexistentMessage5The specified message does not exist.
QMailServiceAction::Status::ErrEnqueueFailed6The specified message could not be enqueued for transmission.
QMailServiceAction::Status::ErrInvalidAddress11The specified address is invalid for the requested action.

Member Function Documentation

Status::Status ( const Status & other )

Constructs a status object which is a copy of other.

Member Variable Documentation

QMailAccountId Status::accountId

If relevant to the errorCode, contains the ID of the associated account.

ErrorCode Status::errorCode

Describes the error condition encountered by the action.

QMailFolderId Status::folderId

If relevant to the errorCode, contains the ID of the associated folder.

QMailMessageId Status::messageId

If relevant to the errorCode, contains the ID of the associated message.

QString Status::text

Provides a human-readable description of the error condition in errorCode.

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