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QMediaEngineFactory Class Reference

The QMediaEngineFactory class is a factory used by the Media Server to construct Media Engines loaded from libraries. More...

    #include <QMediaEngineFactory>

This class is under development and is subject to change.

Public Functions

Detailed Description

The QMediaEngineFactory class is a factory used by the Media Server to construct Media Engines loaded from libraries.

The Media Server loads Qt style plugins tagged with "mediaengine". Each Media Engine in the Qt Extended Media system is implemented as a Qt style plugin. The plugin must implement the QMediaEngineFactory inteface, as it used by the Media Server to ensure that the plugin is able to be used in the server. The Media Server will call the create() function when it needs to construct the Engine.

See also QMediaEngine.

Member Function Documentation

QMediaEngineFactory::~QMediaEngineFactory ()   [virtual]

Destruct a QMediaEngineFactory

QMediaEngine * QMediaEngineFactory::create ()   [pure virtual]

This function is called by the Media Server to create a instance of the Media Engine. The factory should construct a new instance of the Media Engine on the heap, it will later be deleted by the Media Server. This function will only be called once for the lifetime of the plugin.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3