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QMessageWaiting Class Reference

The QMessageWaiting class provides information about waiting messages, usually voice mail messages. More...

    #include <QMessageWaiting>

Inherits QCommInterface.

Public Functions


Protected Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QMessageWaiting class provides information about waiting messages, usually voice mail messages.

Many telephony systems provide a method to notify handsets when there are voice mail messages waiting for the user. The QMessageWaiting class provides access to this information via the status() method.

Because there may be multiple telephone numbers or call classes associated with a telephony service (e.g. voice and fax messages), this interface reports the message waiting status information as a list of QMessageWaitingStatus objects.

If the telephony service provides a standard voice mail number for accessing the waiting messages, it should be made available to client applications via the QServiceNumbers interface.

The changed() signal is emitted whenever the message waiting state changes.

Telephony service implementations that inherit from this method should call updateStatus() whenever the status of a call class and/or telephone number changes, to properly update the values and emit the changed() signal.

See also QMessageWaitingStatus, QServiceNumbers, and QCommInterface.

Member Function Documentation

QMessageWaiting::QMessageWaiting ( const QString & service = QString::null, QObject * parent = 0, QCommInterface::Mode mode = Client )

Construct a new message waiting status object for service and attach it to parent. The object will be created in client mode if mode is Client, or server mode otherwise.

If service is empty, this class will use the first available service that supports message waiting. If there is more than one service that supports message waiting, the caller should enumerate them with QCommServiceManager::supports() and create separate QMessageWaiting objects for each.

See also QCommServiceManager::supports().

QMessageWaiting::~QMessageWaiting ()

Destroy this message waiting status object.

void QMessageWaiting::changed ()   [signal]

Signal that is emitted when the message waiting status on this service changes.

See also updateStatus().

void QMessageWaiting::clearAllStatus ()   [protected]

Clears all message waiting status indications. This is typically called when the user loses network connectivity. The changed() signal is emitted.

See also changed() and updateStatus().

QList<QMessageWaitingStatus> QMessageWaiting::status () const

Returns the message waiting status indication for this telephony service. The list may have multiple entries if there is more than one number or call class associated with the telephony service.

See also totalStatus().

QMessageWaitingStatus QMessageWaiting::totalStatus () const

Returns a total of all message waiting status indications from status(). This is useful when the user interface does not want to distinguish between multiple call classes when presenting a total to the user.

The QMessageWaitingStatus::callClass() and QMessageWaitingStatus::number() fields of the result will have their default values: they are not affected by the contents of status().

See also status().

void QMessageWaiting::updateStatus ( const QMessageWaitingStatus & status )   [protected]

Updates the message waiting status indication to include status. If there is an existing indication for the call class and number within status, it will be replaced. Otherwise a new indication will be added to the list. The changed() signal is emitted once the update is complete.

See also changed() and clearAllStatus().

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