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QNullSerialIODeviceMultiplexer Class Reference

The QNullSerialIODeviceMultiplexer class provides a null implementation of multiplexing More...

    #include <QNullSerialIODeviceMultiplexer>

Inherits QSerialIODeviceMultiplexer.

Public Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QNullSerialIODeviceMultiplexer class provides a null implementation of multiplexing

The null multiplexer provides a primary command channel and a data channel. Whenever the data channel is open, the primary command channel cannot be used for AT command traffic. Thus, regular phone operations will be suspended while a data call is in progress.

See also QSerialIODeviceMultiplexer.

Member Function Documentation

QNullSerialIODeviceMultiplexer::QNullSerialIODeviceMultiplexer ( QSerialIODevice * device, QObject * parent = 0 )

Construct a null multiplexer attached to parent whose primary AT command channel is device. All other channels will be null. Ownership of device will pass to this object; it will be deleted when this object is deleted.

QNullSerialIODeviceMultiplexer::~QNullSerialIODeviceMultiplexer ()

Destruct this null multiplexer.

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