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QPixmapWheelData Class Reference

The QPixmapWheelData class represents a set of icons used by the QPixmapWheel class. More...

    #include <QPixmapWheelData>

Public Functions

Detailed Description

The QPixmapWheelData class represents a set of icons used by the QPixmapWheel class.

Member Function Documentation

QPixmapWheelData::QPixmapWheelData ()

Construct an empty QPixmapWheelData instance.

QPixmapWheelData::QPixmapWheelData ( const QPixmapWheelData & other )

Construct a copy of other.

void QPixmapWheelData::appendItem ( const QString & name, const QPixmap & pix, const QString & text )

Append a new icon. The icon name represents the value emitted from the QPixmapWheel::itemSelected() signal when the icon is selected. The pix and text parameters specify the pixmap and user visible text to be used for the icon.

int QPixmapWheelData::count () const

Returns the number of icons in the data set.

QString QPixmapWheelData::name ( int idx ) const

Return the name of the idx icon in the set. idx must be less than count().

QPixmap QPixmapWheelData::pixmap ( int idx ) const

Return the pixmap for the idx icon in the set. idx must be less than count().

QString QPixmapWheelData::text ( int idx ) const

Return the text for the idx icon in the set. idx must be less than count().

QPixmapWheelData & QPixmapWheelData::operator= ( const QPixmapWheelData & other )

Assign the contents of other to this instance.

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