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QSerialSocketServer Class Reference

The QSerialSocketServer class provides a server to handle incoming serial-over-sockets connections. More...

    #include <QSerialSocketServer>

Inherits QObject.

Public Functions


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QSerialSocketServer class provides a server to handle incoming serial-over-sockets connections.

As each connection arrives, the incoming() signal is emitted with a QSerialSocket instance as its argument.

See also QSerialSocket.

Member Function Documentation

QSerialSocketServer::QSerialSocketServer ( quint16 port, bool localHostOnly = true, QObject * parent = 0 )

Construct a new serial-over-sockets server, bound to port, and attach it to parent. If localHostOnly is true (the default), then the socket will only be accessible from applications on the same host.

QSerialSocketServer::~QSerialSocketServer ()

Destroy this serial-over-sockets server.

void QSerialSocketServer::incoming ( QSerialSocket * socket )   [signal]

Signal that is emitted when an incoming connection is detected. The session is represented by socket.

bool QSerialSocketServer::isListening () const

Returns true if this server was able to listen on the specified port number when it was constructed; otherwise returns false.

quint16 QSerialSocketServer::port () const

Returns the port number that this serial-over-sockets server is bound to.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3