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QSimGenericAccess Class Reference

The QSimGenericAccess class provides an interface to send commands directly to a SIM. More...

    #include <QSimGenericAccess>

Inherits QCommInterface.

Inherited by QModemSimGenericAccess.

Public Functions

Public Slots


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QSimGenericAccess class provides an interface to send commands directly to a SIM.

Use of this class usually results in an AT+CSIM command being sent to the modem. The commands must be in the format described in 3GPP TS 51.011.

Sending generic access commands to a SIM bypasses the normal mechanisms that are used to access SIM files, SIM application toolkit, operator data, etc. This class should therefore be used only for commands that are not already covered by other classes such as QSimFiles, QBinarySimFile, QRecordBasedSimFile, and QSimToolkit.

See also QSimFiles, QBinarySimFile, QRecordBasedSimFile, and QSimToolkit.

Member Function Documentation

QSimGenericAccess::QSimGenericAccess ( const QString & service = QString(), QObject * parent = 0, QCommInterface::Mode mode = Client )

Construct a new SIM generic access object for service and attach it to parent. The object will be created in client mode if mode is Client, or server mode otherwise.

If service is empty, this class will use the first available service that supports SIM generic access. If there is more than one service that supports SIM generic access, the caller should enumerate them with QCommServiceManager::supports() and create separate QSimGenericAccess objects for each.

See also QCommServiceManager::supports().

QSimGenericAccess::~QSimGenericAccess ()

Destroy this generic SIM access object.

QString QSimGenericAccess::command ( const QByteArray & data )

Sends data to the SIM as a generic access command and returns a unique request identifier for it. The command has the format described in 3GPP TS 51.011. The telephony service will emit the response() signal once the command has completed.

See also response().

void QSimGenericAccess::command ( const QString & reqid, const QByteArray & data )   [virtual slot]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Sends data to the SIM as a generic access command. The reqid will be returned via the response() signal to help match up commands and responses. The command has the format described in 3GPP TS 51.011.

See also response().

void QSimGenericAccess::response ( const QString & reqid, QTelephony::Result result, const QByteArray & data )   [signal]

Signal that is emitted to report the result of issuing the request reqid via command(). If result is QTelephony::Ok, then data is the data returned by the SIM in response to the command. The response has the format described in 3GPP TS 51.011.

See also command().

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