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MenuButton Class Reference

The MenuButton class encapsulates the current information for a configured soft button. More...

Public Functions

Detailed Description

The MenuButton class encapsulates the current information for a configured soft button.

QSoftMenuBarProvider::MenuButton instances can only be created and returned from a QSoftMenuBarProvider instance.

This class is part of the Qt Extended server and cannot be used by other Qt Extended applications.

Member Function Documentation

MenuButton::MenuButton ()

Create a new, null MenuButton.

MenuButton::MenuButton ( const MenuButton & other )

Create a copy of other.

MenuButton::~MenuButton ()

Destroys the MenuButton instance.

int MenuButton::index () const

Return the index of this button within the list of configured buttons. For example,

    QSoftMenuBarProvider prov;
    prov.key(2).index() == 2;

For null buttons, the return value will be -1.

int MenuButton::key () const

Return the Qt key code for the key this soft button is configured for.

QPixmap MenuButton::pixmap () const

Return the current pixmap to display for this soft button, scaled to the current style's small icon size metric. The pixmap may be null.

QString MenuButton::pixmapName () const

Return the name of the pixmap to display for this soft button. This will be the same as that passed to QSoftMenuBar::setLabel() and is only provided for completeness. Generally applications should use pixmap() to retrieve the pixmap directly.

QString MenuButton::text () const

Return the current text to display for this soft button. The text may be empty.

MenuButton & MenuButton::operator= ( const MenuButton & other )

Assign other to this instance.

Copyright © 2009 Nokia Trademarks
Qt Extended 4.4.3