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CenterInterface Class Reference

The CenterInterface class provides access to the Qt Extended Sync Agent's internals. More...

    #include <CenterInterface>

Public Functions

Detailed Description

The CenterInterface class provides access to the Qt Extended Sync Agent's internals.

The CenterInterface struct is the interface that plugins use to access the Qt Extended Sync Agent's internals. It can be retieved using the QDPlugin::centerInterface() function.

See also QDPlugin::centerInterface().

Member Function Documentation

QDDevPlugin * CenterInterface::currentDevice ()   [pure virtual]

Return the current device plugin that the Qt Extended Sync Agent is connected to.

const QDDevPluginList CenterInterface::devicePlugins ()   [pure virtual]

Return the available device plugins.

QDPlugin * CenterInterface::getPlugin ( const QString & id )   [pure virtual]

Return a plugin instance based on it's id. If the requested plugin does not exist returns 0.

const QDLinkPluginList CenterInterface::linkPlugins ()   [pure virtual]

Return the available link plugins.

QObject * CenterInterface::syncObject ()   [pure virtual]

Returns an object that exists for as long as the sync does.

The object is deleted after QDLinkPluginList::finishSync() is called but before control returns from the sync process.

Resources shared by multiple sync objects can be assigned this object as a parent so that they are cleaned up when the sync ends.

See also QObject::destroyed().

Copyright © 2009 Nokia
Qt Extended Sync Agent Documentation