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QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope Class Reference

The QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope class provides a mechanism to send Qt Extended IPC messages with an argument number of arguments. More...

    #include <QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope>

Public Functions

Detailed Description

The QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope class provides a mechanism to send Qt Extended IPC messages with an argument number of arguments.

This class operates in a similar fashion to QtopiaIpcEnvelope. The most common way to use this class is to call QtopiaIpcAdaptor::send(), as demonstrated in the following example:

    QtopiaIpcAdaptor *channel = ...;
    QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope env = channel->send( MESSAGE(foo(QString)) );
    env << "Hello";

See also QtopiaIpcAdaptor and QtopiaIpcEnvelope.

Member Function Documentation

QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope::QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope ()

Construct an empty QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope.

QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope::QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope ( const QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope & value )

Construct a copy of value.

QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope::~QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope ()

Destroy this envelope object and send the message.

QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope & QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope::operator<< ( const T & value )

Add value to the arguments for this Qt Extended IPC message.

QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope & QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope::operator<< ( const char * value )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Add value to the arguments for this Qt Extended IPC message.

QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope & QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope::operator= ( const QtopiaIpcSendEnvelope & value )

Copy value into this object.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3