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QtopiaVideo Namespace Reference
[QtEssentialsModule, QtMediaModule]

The QtopiaVideo namespace provides common video definitions. More...

    #include <QtopiaVideo>


Detailed Description

The QtopiaVideo namespace provides common video definitions.

Type Documentation

enum QtopiaVideo::VideoRotation

This enum specifies the video frames orientation.

QtopiaVideo::NoRotation0The image is not rotated.
QtopiaVideo::Rotate0NoRotationThe same as NoRotation.
QtopiaVideo::Rotate90?The image is rotated 90 degree clockwise.
QtopiaVideo::Rotate180?The image is rotated 180 degree clockwise.
QtopiaVideo::Rotate270?The image is rotated 270 degree clockwise.

enum QtopiaVideo::VideoScaleMode

This enum specifies the video frames scaling.

QtopiaVideo::NoScale0The image is not scaled but centered in the video window.
QtopiaVideo::FitWindow1The image is scaled to fit video window.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3