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QWhereaboutsPlugin Class Reference

The QWhereaboutsPlugin class defines an interface for writing a whereabouts plugin. More...

    #include <QWhereaboutsPlugin>

Inherits QObject.

Public Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QWhereaboutsPlugin class defines an interface for writing a whereabouts plugin.

Whereabouts plugins can be written to retrieve location information from arbitrary data sources.

To create a Whereabouts plugin, subclass QWhereaboutsPlugin and implement create(), and use the QTOPIA_EXPORT_PLUGIN macro to export your plugin.

See Location Services for a detailed example of creating and using a Whereabouts plugin.

Member Function Documentation

QWhereaboutsPlugin::QWhereaboutsPlugin ( QObject * parent = 0 )

Creates a whereabouts plugin with the parent object parent.

QWhereaboutsPlugin::~QWhereaboutsPlugin ()   [virtual]

Destroys the plugin.

Note that Qt Extended destroys a plugin automatically when it is no longer used, so there is no need for calling the destructor explicitly.

QWhereabouts * QWhereaboutsPlugin::create ( const QString & source )   [pure virtual]

Creates and returns a QWhereabouts object that will read position data using the specified source.

The source value may be empty to specify that a default source should be used, if possible.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3