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ThemedContextLabel Class Reference

The ThemedContextLabel class provides a themable dockable soft key bar for phones More...

    #include <ThemedContextLabel>

Inherits BaseContextLabel.

Public Functions

Protected Slots

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The ThemedContextLabel class provides a themable dockable soft key bar for phones

The ThemedContextLabel class provides a themable dockable soft key bar for Qt Extended and is an example of how the BaseContextLabel class can be used. An image of this context label using the Qt Extended theme can be found in the server widget gallery.

This class is a Qt Extended server widget. It is part of the Qt Extended server and cannot be used by other Qt Extended applications.

Member Function Documentation

ThemedContextLabel::ThemedContextLabel ( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 )

Create an instance of the ThemedContextLabel class with the given parent and widget flags.

ThemedContextLabel::~ThemedContextLabel ()

Delete the themed context label.

void ThemedContextLabel::itemPressed ( QThemeItem * item )   [protected slot]

This slot is called when the ThemeItem item is pressed. The standard implementation calls the function BaseContextLabel::buttonPressed(int).

void ThemedContextLabel::itemReleased ( QThemeItem * item )   [protected slot]

This slot is called when the ThemeItem item is released. The standard implementation calls the function BaseContextLabel::buttonReleased(int).

QSize ThemedContextLabel::reservedSize () const   [virtual]

Returns the size needed by the themed context label to get displayed properly.

Reimplemented from QAbstractContextLabel.

Copyright © 2009 Nokia Trademarks
Qt Extended 4.4.3