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ThemeLayoutItem Class Reference

The ThemeLayoutItem class positions and resizes its child items in a ThemedView. More...

    #include <ThemeLayoutItem>

Inherits ThemeItem.

Public Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The ThemeLayoutItem class positions and resizes its child items in a ThemedView.

The ThemeLayoutItem class implements the layout element from the theme XML.

ThemeLayoutItem does not display anything to the user - it simply manages the geometry of any child items.

See also layout element.

Member Function Documentation

ThemeLayoutItem::ThemeLayoutItem ( ThemeItem * parent, ThemedView * view, const ThemeAttributes & atts )

Constructs a ThemeLayoutItem. parent, view and atts are passed to the base class constructor.

ThemeLayoutItem::~ThemeLayoutItem ()   [virtual]

Destroys the ThemeLayoutItem.

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