
QtProperty Class Reference

The QtProperty class encapsulates an instance of a property. More...

 #include <QtProperty>

Inherited by QtVariantProperty.

Public Functions

Protected Functions

Detailed Description

The QtProperty class encapsulates an instance of a property.

Properties are created by objects of QtAbstractPropertyManager subclasses; a manager can create properties of a given type, and is used in conjunction with the QtAbstractPropertyBrowser class. A property is always owned by the manager that created it, which can be retrieved using the propertyManager() function.

QtProperty contains the most common property attributes, and provides functions for retrieving as well as setting their values:


It is also possible to nest properties: QtProperty provides the addSubProperty(), insertSubProperty() and removeSubProperty() functions to manipulate the set of subproperties. Use the subProperties() function to retrieve a property's current set of subproperties. Note that nested properties are not owned by the parent property, i.e. each subproperty is owned by the manager that created it.

See also QtAbstractPropertyManager and QtBrowserItem.

Member Function Documentation

QtProperty::QtProperty ( QtAbstractPropertyManager * manager )   [protected]

Creates a property with the given manager.

This constructor is only useful when creating a custom QtProperty subclass (e.g. QtVariantProperty). To create a regular QtProperty object, use the QtAbstractPropertyManager::addProperty() function instead.

See also QtAbstractPropertyManager::addProperty().

QtProperty::~QtProperty ()   [virtual]

Destroys this property.

Note that subproperties are detached but not destroyed, i.e. they can still be used in another context.

See also QtAbstractPropertyManager::clear().

void QtProperty::addSubProperty ( QtProperty * property )

Appends the given property to this property's subproperties.

If the given property already is added, this function does nothing.

See also insertSubProperty() and removeSubProperty().

bool QtProperty::hasValue () const

Returns whether the property has a value.

See also QtAbstractPropertyManager::hasValue().

void QtProperty::insertSubProperty ( QtProperty * property, QtProperty * precedingProperty )

Inserts the given property after the specified precedingProperty into this property's list of subproperties. If precedingProperty is 0, the specified property is inserted at the beginning of the list.

If the given property already is inserted, this function does nothing.

See also addSubProperty() and removeSubProperty().

bool QtProperty::isEnabled () const

Returns whether the property is enabled.

See also setEnabled().

bool QtProperty::isModified () const

Returns whether the property is modified.

See also setModified().

QtAbstractPropertyManager * QtProperty::propertyManager () const

Returns a pointer to the manager that owns this property.

QString QtProperty::propertyName () const

Returns the property's name.

See also setPropertyName().

void QtProperty::removeSubProperty ( QtProperty * property )

Removes the given property from the list of subproperties without deleting it.

See also addSubProperty() and insertSubProperty().

void QtProperty::setEnabled ( bool enable )

Enables or disables the property according to the passed enable value.

See also isEnabled().

void QtProperty::setModified ( bool modified )

Sets the property's modified state according to the passed modified value.

See also isModified().

void QtProperty::setPropertyName ( const QString & name )

Sets the property's name to the given name.

See also propertyName().

void QtProperty::setStatusTip ( const QString & text )

Sets the property's status tip to the given text.

See also statusTip().

void QtProperty::setToolTip ( const QString & text )

Sets the property's tool tip to the given text.

See also toolTip().

void QtProperty::setWhatsThis ( const QString & text )

Sets the property's "What's This" help text to the given text.

See also whatsThis().

QString QtProperty::statusTip () const

Returns the property's status tip.

See also setStatusTip().

QList<QtProperty *> QtProperty::subProperties () const

Returns the set of subproperties.

Note that subproperties are not owned by this property, but by the manager that created them.

See also insertSubProperty() and removeSubProperty().

QString QtProperty::toolTip () const

Returns the property's tool tip.

See also setToolTip().

QIcon QtProperty::valueIcon () const

Returns an icon representing the current state of this property.

If the given property type can not generate such an icon, this function returns an invalid icon.

See also QtAbstractPropertyManager::valueIcon().

QString QtProperty::valueText () const

Returns a string representing the current state of this property.

If the given property type can not generate such a string, this function returns an empty string.

See also QtAbstractPropertyManager::valueText().

QString QtProperty::whatsThis () const

Returns the property's "What's This" help text.

See also setWhatsThis().

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