
QtWinFormsUtils Namespace Reference

The QtWinFormsUtils namespace holds initialization function for the QtWinForms component and some conversion functions to ease conversion between some common Qt and .Net data types. More...

 #include <QtWinFormsUtils>


Detailed Description

The QtWinFormsUtils namespace holds initialization function for the QtWinForms component and some conversion functions to ease conversion between some common Qt and .Net data types.

Function Documentation

void QtWinFormsUtils::initQtForWindowsForms ()

Initializes QtWinForms for the use case where you want a Qt widget to be hosted by a .Net Winforms control.

void QtWinFormsUtils::initWindowsFormsForQt ()

Initializes QtWinForms for the use case where you want Qt to host a .Net Winforms control.

System::Drawing::Color QtWinFormsUtils::toColor ( const QColor & color )

Converts color to the .Net Framework type System::Drawing::Color

System::DateTime QtWinFormsUtils::toDateTime ( const QTime & time )

Converts time from the type QTime to type System::DateTime

System::DateTime QtWinFormsUtils::toDateTime ( const QDate & date )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Converts date from the type QDate to type System::DateTime

System::DateTime QtWinFormsUtils::toDateTime ( const QDateTime & dateTime )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Converts dateTime from the type QDateTime to type System::DateTime

QColor QtWinFormsUtils::toQColor ( System::Drawing::Color color )

Converts color to the type QColor

QDate QtWinFormsUtils::toQDate ( System::DateTime date )

Converts date from the type System::DateTime to type QDate

QDateTime QtWinFormsUtils::toQDateTime ( System::DateTime dateTime )

Converts dateTime from the type System::DateTime to type QDateTime

QPixmap QtWinFormsUtils::toQPixmap ( System::Drawing::Bitmap ^ bitmap )

Converts bitmap from the type System::Drawing::Size to type QSize

QSize QtWinFormsUtils::toQSize ( System::Drawing::Size size )

Converts size from the type System::Drawing::Size to type QSize

QString QtWinFormsUtils::toQString ( System::String ^ string )

Converts string from the type System::String to type QString

QTime QtWinFormsUtils::toQTime ( System::DateTime time )

Converts time from the type System::DateTime to type QTime

System::Drawing::Rectangle QtWinFormsUtils::toRectangle ( const QRect & rect )

Converts rect from the type QRect to type System::Drawing::Rectangle

System::Drawing::Size QtWinFormsUtils::toSize ( const QSize & size )

Converts size from the type QSize to type System::Drawing::Size

System::String ^ QtWinFormsUtils::toString ( const QString & string )

Converts string from the type QString to type System::String

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