In Files

  • resolv.rb



Location resource



The altitude of the LOC above a reference sphere whose surface sits 100km below the WGS84 spheroid in centimeters as an unsigned 32bit integer


The horizontal precision using ssize type values in meters using scientific notation as 2 integers of XeY for precision use value/2 e.g. 2m = +/-1m


The latitude for this LOC where 2**31 is the equator in thousandths of an arc second as an unsigned 32bit integer


The longitude for this LOC where 2**31 is the prime meridian in thousandths of an arc second as an unsigned 32bit integer


The spherical size of this LOC in meters using scientific notation as 2 integers of XeY


Returns the version value for this LOC record which should always be 00


The vertical precision using ssize type values in meters using scientific notation as 2 integers of XeY for precision use value/2 e.g. 2m = +/-1m

Public Class Methods

new(version, ssize, hprecision, vprecision, latitude, longitude, altitude) click to toggle source
               # File resolv.rb, line 1988
def initialize(version, ssize, hprecision, vprecision, latitude, longitude, altitude)
  @version    = version
  @ssize      = Resolv::LOC::Size.create(ssize)
  @hprecision = Resolv::LOC::Size.create(hprecision)
  @vprecision = Resolv::LOC::Size.create(vprecision)
  @latitude   = Resolv::LOC::Coord.create(latitude)
  @longitude  = Resolv::LOC::Coord.create(longitude)
  @altitude   = Resolv::LOC::Alt.create(altitude)

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