5.4. RHN Bootstrap Options

The RHN Bootstrap offers many command line options for creating client boostrap scripts. Although descriptions of these options can be found within the following table, ensure they are available in the version of the tool installed on your RHN Server by issuing the command rhn-bootstrap --help or reviewing its man page.

-h, --helpDisplay the help screen with a list of options specific to generating the bootstrap script.
--activation-keys=ACTIVATION_KEYSactivation key(s) as defined in the RHN website with multiple entries separated by a comma and no space
--overrides=OVERRIDESConfiguration overrides filename. The default is client-config-overrides.txt.
--script=SCRIPTThe bootstrap script filename. The default is bootstrap.sh.
--hostname=HOSTNAMEThe fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server to which client systems will connect.
--ssl-cert=SSL_CERTThe path to your organization's public SSL certificate, either a package or a raw certificate. It will be copied to the --pub-tree option. A value of "" will force a search of --pub-tree.
--gpg-key=GPG_KEYThe path to your organization's public GPG key, if used. It will be copied to the location specified by the --pub-tree option.
--http-proxy=HTTP_PROXYThe HTTP proxy setting for the client systems in the form hostname:port. A value of "" disables this setting.
--http-proxy-username=HTTP_PROXY_USERNAMEIf using an authenticating HTTP proxy, specify a username. A value of "" disables this setting.
--http-proxy-password=HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORDIf using an authenticating HTTP proxy, specify a password.
--allow-config-actionsBoolean; including this option sets the system to allow all configuration actions via RHN. This requires installing certain rhncfg-* packages, possibly through an activation key.
--allow-remote-commandsBoolean; including this option sets the system to allow arbitrary remote commands via RHN. This requires installing certain rhncfg-* packages, possibly through an activation key.
--no-sslNot recommended - Boolean; including this option turns SSL off on the client system.
--no-gpgNot recommended - Boolean; including this option turns GPG checking off on the client system.
--no-up2dateNot recommended - Boolean; including this option ensures up2date will not run once the system has been bootstrapped.
--pub-tree=PUB_TREEChange not recommended - The public directory tree where the CA SSL certificate and package will land; the bootstrap directory and scripts. The default is /var/www/html/pub/.
--forceNot recommended - Boolean; including this option forces bootstrap script generation regardless of errors.
-v, --verboseDisplay verbose messaging. Accumulative; -vvv causes extremely verbose messaging.

Table 5-1. RHN Bootstrap Options