5.5. Finishing Registration

As seen in Figure 5-12, the last step of registration is to confirm that you want to send your System Profile to the Red Hat Network. If you choose Cancel at this point, no information is sent. Clicking Next submits your RHN System Profile.

Figure 5-12. Finished Collecting Information for System Profile

Figure 5-13 shows the progress bar displayed while your profile is sent. This process may take some time depending on your connection speed.

Figure 5-13. Send System Profile to Red Hat Network

The Red Hat Network Registration Client displays the Registration Finished screen (Figure 5-14 once your System Profile has been sent successfully. Click Finish to exit the Red Hat Network Registration Client.

After completing the registration, you must entitle your system to an RHN service level. Refer to Section 5.6 Entitling Your System for details.

Figure 5-14. Registration Finished