5.6. Entitling Your System

5.6. Entitling Your System

Now that you have registered your system, it must be entitled before you can receive updated packages. In other words, you must subscribe it to a service level offering.

To entitle a system, go to http://rhn.redhat.com and log in using the same username and password you just used in the Red Hat Network Registration Client. Click Systems on the top navigation bar and then Systems Entitlements in the left navigation bar.

The System Entitlements page displays the following items:

To change the entitlement level of a system or systems, check the box to the left of the systems and click the appropriate button for the desired entitlement level. Note that you must apply a Management entitlement to a system before you can add a Provisioning entitlement. You can change entitlements to any available level at any time.


Removing a required entitlement (such as Provisioning) will not cancel a previously scheduled action (such as a kickstart).

As you change the selected entitlements for your systems, the number of available entitlements is updated at the bottom of the screen.