1. More to Come

1. More to Come

The Red Hat Network Reference Guide is constantly expanding as new Red Hat Network features and service plans are launched. HTML and PDF versions of this and other manuals are available within the Help section of the RHN website and at http://www.redhat.com/docs/.


Although this manual reflects the most current information possible, read the RHN Release Notes for information that may not have been available prior to the finalization of the documentation. The notes can be found on the RHN website and at http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/RHNetwork/.

The following RHN documentation has been translated for the RHN 4.0 release: RHN 3.7 Reference Guide, RHN 3.7 Satellite Guide, RHN 3.7 Release Notes, and the RHN 4.0 Release Notes. Translations of the remaining RHN 4.0 documentation will be available after the initial release. Translated documentation is available at http://rhn.redhat.com/help/