A.2.1. Listing Config Files

A.2.1. Listing Config Files

To list the configuration files for the machine and the labels of the config channels containing them, issue the command:

        rhncfg-client list

The output resembles the following list:

         Config Channel File config-channel-17 /etc/example-config.txt config-channel-17 /var/spool/aalib.rpm config-channel-14 /etc/rhn/rhn.conf 

These are the configuration files that apply to your system. However, there may be duplicate files present in the other channels. For example, issue the following command:

        rhncfg-manager list config-channel-14

and observe the following output:

         Files in config channel 'config-channel-14' /etc/example-config.txt /etc/rhn/rhn.conf 

You may then wonder where the second version of /etc/example-config.txt went. The rank of the /etc/example-config.txt file in config-channel-17 was higher than that of the same file in config-channel-14. As a result, the version of the configuration file in config-channel-14 is not deployed for this system, although the file still resides in the channel. The rhncfg-client command does not list the file because it will not be deployed on this system.