Red Hat Network Satellite

Release Notes 5.0.0

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1. Major Features
2. Major Corrections

Chapter 1. Major Features

The following are the major features released as part of Red Hat Network Satellite 5.0.0.

  • RHN Satellite Server 5.0.0 includes virtualization management features, including the ability to provision virtual guests, stop, start, and pause them.

  • Red Hat Network's entitlement model has been updated to accomodate virtual guests.

  • Channel names have been refactored to accomodate Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5's new Server and Client product variants.

Chapter 2. Major Corrections

The following are the major bug fixes released as part of Red Hat Network 5.0.0.

  • The return codes for satellite-sync have been updated and expanded. The new codes may be viewed on a satellite by executing the command satellite-sync --list-error-codes. The new return codes are:

    -1 - Could not lock file or KeyboardInterrupt or SystemExit
    0  - User interrupted or intentional exit. 
    1  - attempting to run more than one instance of satellite-sync. 
    2  - Unable to find synchronization tools. 
    3  - a general socket occurred 
    4  - an SSL error occurred. Recheck your SSL settings. 
    5  - RHN error 
    6  - unhandled exception occurred 
    7  - unknown sync error 
    8  - ERROR: must be root to execute 
    9  - rpclib fault during synchronization init 
    10 - synchronization init error	  
    11 - Error parsing XML stream 
    12 - Channel do not exist 
    13 - SQL error during importing package metadata 
    14 - SQL error during linking channel packages 
    15 - SQL error during xml processing 
    16 - server.mount_point not set in the configuration file 
    17 - SQL error during retrieving the channels already imported in the satellite's database 
    18 - Wrong db connection string in rhn.conf 
    19 - Bad arguments 
    20 - Could not connect to db. 
    21 - Bad debug level 
    22 - Not valid step
    23 - error: --rhn-cert requires  --mount-point 
    24 - no such file 
    25 - no such directory
  • A configuration option has been added to osad.conf. This setting allows a user to toggle whether rhn_check runs when osad is run with a debug level of 5 or greater. Set the run rhn_check option to 1 to perform the check when the debug level is set to 5.

  • Deleting multiple systems from a Satellite that has Monitoring enabled no longer results in an Internal Server Error.

  • A bug that caused kickstarts to ignore the sync to package profile option of a kickstart profile for 64-bit systems has been corrected.

  • A bug that prevented the installation of packages from an RHN Proxy using yum has been corrected.

  • Executing the Satellite Installation Program with unknown options now causes the program to stop, rather than continuing while ignoring the unknown option.

  • The Pending Actions page of the Schedule tab now includes a Cancel Actions button. This button allows a user to cancel actions that have not yet occurred.

  • The contents of the RHN Tools child channel are required in order to perform a bare metal kickstart. When creating a kickstart profile from a base channel that does not have this child channel, a message appears to indicate that necessary packages do not exist in the specified base channel.

  • The API no longer logs passwords in rhn_web_api.log as a result of auth.login requests.

  • The RHN Applet now checks for available updates more frequently than in the past.

  • The taskomatic process no longer fails when it cannot contact an external database.

  • Bare metal kickstarts are now included in the list of Systems Currently Kickstarting on the Kickstart Overview page.

  • The timezone America/Toronto has been added to the appropriate drop-down menu in the kickstart profile creation process.

  • A bug that corrupted pre- and post-scripts added to kickstart profiles via the web interface has been corrected.

  • The command service rhn-satellite status; echo$? now produces an accurate return code. This enables Red Hat Cluster Suite to monitor the health of an RHN Satellite Server.

  • Changing the notification method for the administrator account of a Satellite no longer causes an Internal Server Error.

  • A bug that caused the --step=rpms and the --no-rpms options of satellite-sync to fail has been corrected.

  • It is now possible to export data from a 4.1.0 RHN Satellite Server and import it into an 5.0.0 Satellite.

  • The script generated for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 systems now makes use of yum.

  • The python-cheetah-1.0-2.el4.i386.rpm package has been removed from the RHN Satellite Server ISO; it is not required for installation.

  • It is again possible to kickstart between compatible 32-bit and 64-bit base channels.

  • When executing a package profile sync by issuing rhn_check -vv on a client system, any missing packages are listed by name in the command's output.

  • A bug that prevented snapshot tags from being properly created has been fixed.

  • A bug that prevented changing a host's subscribed channel to a custom channel has been corrected.

  • It is now possible to select all systems that subscribe to a given child channel and work with them via the System Set Manager.

  • Partition schemes in kickstart profiles now remain in the same order unless manually changed. The partition order will not automatically change when the profile is accessed or cloned.

  • Attempting to schedule a second kickstart after the first kickstart has completed no longer results in an error message that indicates another kickstart is pending.

  • For Satellites that authenticate users via PAM, attempting to login with an expired password no longer causes the Satellite to hang. Instead, the login attempt fails.

  • The size limit of pre- and post-scripts to kickstart profiles has been increased to 150,000 characters. There is also a configurable value in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf that allows a user to select the maximum length of such scripts. Edit the web.kickstart_script_max_length entry to change the size of the scripts.

  • A new option has been added to rhn-satellite-exporter. The --hard-links option exports hard links to the packages in /var/satellite, rather than copies of the packages.

  • A bug that caused an Internal Server Error when disabling Monitoring a second time has been corrected.

  • Kickstart files generated via RHN have been reordered such that the standard Message of the Day (MOTD) created by RHN can be overridden by a user's post script. Changes to /etc/motd made in the post section of a kickstart profile will override the RHN MOTD.

  • The command service httpd status on RHN Satellite has been modified so that the generated return code accurately reflects the status of httpd, which allows the Satellite to function with Red Hat Cluster Suite.

  • The command service osa-dispatcher status on RHN Satellite has been modified so that the generated return code accurately reflects the status of httpd, which allows the Satellite to function with Red Hat Cluster Suite

  • When searching for a package within a given channel, the search function again returns all versions of that package, not just the latest version.