Red Hat Network Satellite

Release Notes 5.0.2

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1. Major Corrections

Chapter 1. Major Corrections

The following are the major bug fixes released as part of Red Hat Network 5.0.2.

  • A missing configuration option in the /etc/httpd/conf/rhnweb.conf file that prevents Kickstart profiles and Provisioning from functioning properly on upgrades has been discovered in RHN Satellite 5.0.2.

    To woraround this issue, perform the following steps (note, if you have already upgraded to RHN Satellite 5.0.2, then disregard step 2):

    1. Backup your current configuration files:

      mkdir /etc/sysconfig/rhn/backup-502; cp -avf /etc/httpd/conf/ /etc/sysconfig/rhn/backup-502/
    2. Upgrade to RHN Satellite 5.0.2 if you have not already done so:

      up2date -l
      up2date -u
    3. Deploy the configuration files:

       /usr/bin/ \
       --source=/etc/sysconfig/rhn-satellite-prep/etc/httpd/conf \
       --dest=/etc/httpd/conf \
    4. Restart Satellite services:

      service rhn-satellite restart
  • This release adds backported fixes for a number of security vulnerabilities that affected the various components of RHN Satellite Server. These vulnerabilities would not normally be exposed to users of RHN Satellite Server and the configuration and normal use of the components would mitigate any risk.

  • A cross-site scripting flaw was found in the Red Hat Network channel search. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has assigned the name CVE-2007-6421 to this issue.

  • An issue has been fixed where users who switched locale to German and then attempted to install a package received an "Internal Server Error" page instead of the expected package installation confirmation page.

  • An issue issue has been fixed where an "Internal Server Error" page is displayed when pushing an erratum through a channel that has been cloned.

  • A bug has been fixed where configuration files that contain German letters (for example, ä, ö or ü or ß) were truncated upon updating via the RHN Satellite Server graphical interface.

  • An issue with saving and updating configuration files was fixed where special characters (such as "^@") appeared at the end of the file whenever pasting content from another source (such as a terminal or text editor window) into the text area for creating new configuration files.

  • An issue was fixed where logins to the Satellite graphical interface that resulted in an "Internal Server Error" sent emails to the Satellite administrator that contained the unencrypted password of the user attempting to log in.

  • An issue in Red Hat Network Proxy has been addressed where authentication credentials were sent via HTML forms over HTTP rather than SSL-enhanced HTTPS, when a user attempts to login to the RHN Satellite Server Web user interface through Proxy.

  • An issue has been addressed that considerably improves performance when canceling a scheduled action on satellites with large numbers of systems.

  • Performance issues with the Configuration Overview page have been resolved.

  • Red Hat Network Satellite now supports bracket characters in user passwords, such as parentheses ("()"), box brackets ("[]"), braces ("{}"), and angle brackets ("<>").

    In prior versions of RHN Satellite Server, users were able to login with bracket characters in the password, but the password was never stored on the Satellite with the bracket characters included and was ignored during login to the Satellite. Therefore, upon logging into RHN Satellite Server 5.0.2 , users will need to login without the bracket characters and then change their passwords to include bracket characters.

  • server.satellite.tiny_url_timeout is a new option in the /etc/rhn/rhn.conf file that allows a user to configure the amount of time (in hours) a kickstart file is valid before it times out. The default value is 4.

  • An issue has been addressed where kickstart profiles that utilize cloned channels install the latest up2date package instead of the cloned content channel up2date package.

  • A bug has been fixed where kickstart profiles were not properly updating RHEL 5 specific kickstart options (such as repo and key), despite changes to the profile's operating system in the the RHN Satellite Server user interface.

  • An issue was fixed that prevented users from assigning Virtualization and Virtualization Platform entitlements on a cloned channel.

  • An issue has been fixed where selecting group activation keys caused the following traceback error:

    Can't locate object method "server_group_list" via package "RHN::ServerGroup" 
    (perhaps you forgot to load "RHN::ServerGroup"?) at 
    /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Sniglets/ line 251.
  • A bug that caused an internal server error when accessing the Deactivated Users page has been fixed.

  • An issue where running rhnpush leaves the database in an inconsistent state when the /var/satellite filesystem contains errors (such as "too many links") has been addressed.

  • An issue during RHN Proxy Server kickstart installation where the post-install script failed to download various packages has been fixed.

  • An issue where scheduling a remote kickstart in RHN proxy as any user other than an organizational administrator causes an Internal Server Error has been fixed.