5.2. Generation

5.2. Generation

Now that all of the necessary components are in place, you may use RHN Bootstrap to generate the required scripts. Log into your RHN Satellite Server or RHN Proxy Server as root and issue the rhn-bootstrap command followed by the desired options and values. If no options are included, a bootstrap.sh file is created in the bootstrap/ subdirectory that contains the essential values derived from the server, including hostname, the SSL certificate, it if exists, SSL and GPG settings, and a call for the client-config-overrides.txt file.

At a minimum, Red Hat strongly recommends your scripts also accommodate activation keys, GPG keys, and advanced configuration options in the following manner:

When you're done, your command will look something like this:

 rhn-bootstrap --activation-keys KEY1,KEY2 \ --gpg-key /var/www/html/pub/MY_CORPORATE_PUBLIC_KEY \ --allow-config-actions \ --allow-remote-commands 

Obviously, include the actual key names. Refer to Section 5.4, “RHN Bootstrap Options” for the complete list of options.