In addition to the features offered in the RHN Update subscription level, the RHN Management subscription service allows you to manage your network of Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems, users, and system groups through its System Set Manager interface.
RHN Management is based upon the concept of an organization. Each Management-level Red Hat customer has the ability to establish users who have administration privileges to system groups. An Organization Administrator has overall control over each Red Hat Network organization with the ability to add and remove systems and users. When users other than the Satellite Administrator log into the Red Hat Network website, they see only the systems they have permission to administer.
To create an account that can be used to entitle systems to RHN Management, go to and click on the Create Login link under the Sign In fields. On the Create a Red Hat Login page, click Create a new Business Login. After creating a business account, you may add users within your organization to it.
The Red Hat Network features available to you depend on the subscription level for each Red Hat Enterprise Linux system. With each Management subscription, you receive the functionality provided to Update users, plus:
Package Profile Comparison — Compare the package set on a system with the package sets of similar systems with one click.
Search Systems — Search through systems based on a number of criteria: packages, networking information, even hardware asset tags.
System Grouping — Web servers, database servers, workstations and other workload-focused systems may be grouped so that each set can be administered in common ways.
Multiple Administrators — Administrators may be given rights to particular system groups, easing the burden of system management over very large organizations.
System Set Manager — You may now apply actions to sets of systems instead of single systems, work with members of a predefined system group, or work with an ad-hoc collection of systems. Install a single software package to each, subscribe the systems to a new channel, or apply all Errata to them with a single action.
Batch Processing — Compiling a list of outdated packages for a thousand systems would take days for a dedicated sysadmin. Red Hat Network Management service can do it for you in seconds.