6.4.4. System Set Manager —

6.4.4. System Set Manager —

Many actions performed for individual systems through the System Details page may be performed for multiple systems via the System Set Manager, including:

  • Apply Errata updates

  • Upgrade packages to the most recent versions available

  • Add/remove systems to/from system groups

  • Subscribe/unsubscribe systems to/from channels

  • Update system profiles

  • Modify system preferences such as scheduled download and installation of packages

  • Kickstart several Provisioning-entitled systems at once

  • Set the subscription and rank of configuration channels for Provisioning-entitled systems

  • Tag the most recent snapshots of your selected Provisioning-entitled systems

  • Revert Provisioning-entitled systems to previous snapshots

  • Run remote commands on Provisioning-entitled systems

Before performing actions on multiple systems, select the systems you wish to modify. To do so, click the List the systems link, check the boxes to the left of the systems you wish to select, and click the Update List button.

You can access the System Set Manager in three ways:

  1. Click the System Set Manager link in the left gray navigation area.

  2. Click the Use Group button in the System Groups list.

  3. Check the Work with Group link on the System Group Details page. System Set Manager ⇒ Overview —

Description of the various options available to you in the remaining tabs. System Set Manager ⇒ Systems —

List of systems now selected. To remove systems from this set, select them and click the Remove button. System Set Manager ⇒ Errata —

List of Errata Updates applicable to the current system set. Click the number in the Systems column to see to which systems in the System Set Manager the given Errata applies. To apply updates, select the Errata and click the Apply Errata button. System Set Manager ⇒ Packages —

Options to modify packages on the system within the following subtabs (Click the number in the Systems column to see to which systems in the System Set Manager the given package applies):

— When selecting packages to install, upgrade, or remove, Provisioning customers have the option of running a remote command automatically before or after the package installation. Refer to Section, “System Details ⇒ Details ⇒ Remote Command — for more information. System Set Manager ⇒ Packages ⇒ Upgrade —

A list of all the packages installed on the selected systems that might be upgraded. Systems must be subscribed to a channel providing the package for the system to be able to upgrade the package. If multiple versions of a package appear, note that only the latest version available to each system is upgraded on that system. Select the packages to be upgraded, then click the Upgrade Packages button. System Set Manager ⇒ Packages ⇒ Install —

A list of channels from which you may retrieve packages. This list includes all channels to which systems in the set are subscribed; a package is installed on a system only if the system is subscribed to the channel from which the package originates. Click on the channel name and select the packages from the list. Then click the Install Packages button. System Set Manager ⇒ Packages ⇒ Remove —

A list of all the packages installed on the selected systems that might be removed. Multiple versions appear if systems in the System Set Manager have more than one version installed. Select the packages to be deleted, then click the Remove Packages button. System Set Manager ⇒ Verify

A list of all installed package whose contents, MD5 sum, and other details may be verified. At the next check in, the verify event issues the command rpm --verify for the specified package. If there are any discrepancies, they are displayed in the System Details page for each system.

Select the checkbox next to all packages to be verified, then click the Verify Packages button. On the next page, select either Schedule actions ASAP or choose a date and time for the verification, then click the Schedule Verifications button. System Set Manager ⇒ Patches

Tools to manage patches to Solaris clients. Patches may be installed or removed via the subtabs. System Set Manager ⇒ Patch Clusters

Tools to manage patch clusters for Solaris clients. Patches may be installed or removed via the subtabs. System Set Manager ⇒ Groups —

Tools to create groups and manage group membership. These functions are limited to Satellite Administrators and System Group Administrators. To add a new group, click create new group on the top-right corner. In the resulting page, type its name and description in the identified fields and click the Create Group button. To add or remove the selected systems in any of the system groups, toggle the appropriate radio buttons and click the Alter Membership button. System Set Manager ⇒ Channels —

Options to manage channel associations through the following subtabs: System Set Manager ⇒ Channels ⇒ Channel Subscriptions —

To subscribe or unsubscribe the selected systems in any of the channels, toggle the appropriate checkboxes and click the Alter Subscriptions button. Keep in mind that subscribing to a channel uses a channel entitlement for each system in the selected group. If too few entitlements are available, some systems fail to subscribe. Systems must subscribe to a base channel before subscribing to a child channel. System Set Manager ⇒ Configuration —

Like the options within the System Details ⇒ Channels ⇒ Configuration tab, the subtabs here can be used to subscribe the selected systems to configuration channels and deploy and compare the configuration files on the systems. The channels are created in the Manage Config Channels interface within the Channels category. Refer to Section 6.7.2, “Overview” for channel creation instructions.

To manage the configuration of a system, install the latest rhncfg* packages. Refer to Section 6.7.1, “Preparing Systems for Config Management” for instructions on enabling and disabling scheduled actions for a system. System Set Manager ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Deploy Files —

Use this subtab to distribute configuration files from your central repository on RHN to each of the selected systems. The table lists the configuration files associated with any of the selected systems. Clicking its system count displays the systems already subscribed to the file.

To subscribe the selected systems to the available configuration files, select the checkbox for each desired file. When done, click Deploy Configuration and schedule the action. Note that the files deployed are of the latest version at the time of scheduling and do not account for versions that may appear before the action takes place. System Set Manager ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Compare Files —

Use this subtab to validate configuration files on the selected systems against copies in your central repository on RHN. The table lists the configuration files associated with any of the selected systems. Clicking its system count displays the systems already subscribed to the file.

To compare the configuration files deployed on the systems with those in RHN, select the checkbox for each file to be validated. Then click Analyze Differences and schedule the action. Note that the files compared are of the latest version at the time of scheduling and do not account for versions that may appear before the action takes place. Find the results within the main Schedule category or within the System Details ⇒ Events tab. System Set Manager ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Subscribe to Channels —

Subscribe systems to configuration channels according to order of preference. This tab is available only to Satellite Administrators and Configuration Administrators. Enter a number in the Rank column to subscribe to a channel. Channels are accessed in the order of their rank, starting from the number 1. Channels not assigned a numeric value are not associated with the selected systems. Your local configuration channel always overrides all other channels. Once you have established the rank of the config channels, you must decide how they are applied to the selected systems.

The three buttons below the channels reflect your options. Clicking Subscribe with Highest Priority places all the ranked channels before any other channels to which the selected systems are currently subscribed. Clicking Subscribe With Lowest Priority places the ranked channels after those channels to which the selected systems are currently subscribed. Clicking Replace Existing Subscriptions removes any existing association and starts cleanly with the ranked channels, leaving every system with the same config channels in the same order.

In the first two cases, if any of the newly ranked config channels is already in a system's existing config channel list, the duplicate channel is removed and replaced according to the new rank, effectively reordering the system's existing channels. When such conflicts exist, you are presented with a confirmation page to ensure the intended action is correct. When the change has taken place, a message appears at the top of the page indicating the update was successful. System Set Manager ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Unsubscribe from Channels —

Administrators may unsubscribe from configuration channels by clicking the checkbox by the name of the channel and clicking Unsubscribe Systems button. System Set Manager ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Enable Configuration —

Administrators may enable configuration channel management by clicking the checkbox by the name of the channel and clicking Enable RHN Configuration Management button. You can also schedule the action by clicking the Schedule package installs for no sooner than radio button and using the drop-down menus to configure date and time, then clicking Enable RHN Configuration Management. System Set Manager ⇒ Provisioning —

Options for provisioning systems through the following subtabs: System Set Manager ⇒ Provisioning ⇒ Kickstart —

Use this subtab to re-install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on the selected Provisioning-entitled systems. To schedule kickstarts for these systems, select a distribution, identify the type (IP address or manual), and click Continue. Finish choosing from the options available on the subsequent screen. If any of the systems connect to RHN via a RHN Proxy Server, choose either the Preserve Existing Configuration radio button or the Use RHN Proxy radio button. If you choose to kickstart through a RHN Proxy Server, select from the available Proxies listed in the drop-down box beside the Use RHN Proxy radio button. All of the selected systems will kickstart through the selected Proxy. Click the Schedule Kickstart button to confirm your selections. When the kickstarts for the selected systems are successfully scheduled, the web interface returns you to the System Set Manager page. System Set Manager ⇒ Provisioning ⇒ Tag Systems —

Use this subtab to add meaningful descriptions to the most recent snapshots of your selected systems. To tag the most recent system snapshots, enter a descriptive term in the Tag name field and click the Tag Current Snapshots button. System Set Manager ⇒ Provisioning ⇒ Rollback —

Use this subtab to rollback selected Provisioning-entitled systems to previous snapshots marked with a tag. Click the name of the tag, verify the systems to be reverted, and click the Rollback Systems button. System Set Manager ⇒ Provisioning ⇒ Remote Command —

Use this subtab to issue remote commands on selected Provisioning-entitled systems. First create a run file on the client systems to allow this function to operate. Refer to the description of the Configuration subtab of the Channels tab for instructions. You may then identify a specific user, group, timeout period, and the script on this page. Select a date and time to perform the command, and click Schedule Remote Command. System Set Manager ⇒ Misc —

Misc — Update System Profiles and preferences for the system set through the following links: System Set Manager ⇒ Misc ⇒ System Profile Updates —

Click Update Hardware Profile followed by the Confirm Refresh button to schedule a hardware profile update. Clicking Update Package Profile,followed by the Confirm Refresh button schedules a package profile update. System Set Manager ⇒ Misc ⇒ Custom System Information —

Click Set a custom value for selected systems followed by the name of a key to allow you to provide values for all selected systems. Enter the information and click the Set Values button. Click Remove a custom value from selected systems followed by the name of a key to allow you to remove values for all selected systems. Click the Remove Values button to finalize the deletion. System Set Manager ⇒ Misc ⇒ Reboot Systems —

Select the appropriate systems and click the Reboot Systems link to set those systems for reboot. To immediately cancel this action, click the list of systems link that appears within the confirmation message at the top of the page, select the systems, and click Unschedule Action. System Set Manager ⇒ Misc ⇒ Lock Systems —

Select the appropriate systems and click the Lock Systems link to prevent the scheduling of any action through RHN that affects the selected systems. This can be reversed by clicking the Unlock Systems link. System Set Manager ⇒ Misc ⇒ Delete Systems —

Click Delete System Profiles, then click the Confirm Deletions button to remove the selected profiles permanently. System Set Manager ⇒ Misc ⇒ Add or Remove Add-On Entitlements —

Select, via the radio button, whether to Add, Remove, or make No Change in the entitlements of the selected systems. Click the Change Entitlements button to confirm your selection. System Set Manager ⇒ Misc ⇒ System Preferences —

Toggle the Yes and No radio buttons and click the Change Preferences button to alter your notification preferences for the selected systems. You may apply these preferences to individual systems through the Properties subtab of the System Details page. Refer to Section, “System Details ⇒ Details ⇒ Properties” for instructions.

  • Receive Notifications of Updates/Errata — This setting keeps you abreast of all advisories pertaining to your systems. Any time an update is produced and released for a system under your supervision, a notification is sent via email.

  • Include system in Daily Summary — This setting includes the selected systems in a daily summary of system events. (By default, all Management and Provisioning systems are included in the summary.) These system events are actions that affect packages, such as scheduled Errata Updates, system reboots, or failures to check in. In addition to including the systems here, you must choose to receive email notifications in the Your Preferences page of Your RHN. Refer to Section 6.3.2, “Your Preferences” for instructions. Note that RHN sends these summaries only to verified email addresses.

  • Automatic application of relevant Errata — This setting enables the automatic application of Errata Updates to the selected systems. This means packages associated with Errata are updated without any user intervention. Customers should note that Red Hat does not recommend the use of the auto-update feature for production systems because conflicts between packages and environments can cause system failures.