Namespace: system.config
int - 1 on success, exception thrown otherwise.
struct - Configuration Revision information
- string "type"
- file
- directory
- string "path" - File Path
- string "channel" - Channel Name
- string "contents" - File contents for text files only.
- int "revision" - File Revision
- dateTime.iso8601 "creation" - Creation Date
- dateTime.iso8601 "modified" - Last Modified Date
- string "owner" - File Owner
- string "group" - File Group
- int "permissions" - File Permissions (Deprecated)
- string "permissions_mode" - File Permissions
- boolean "binary" - true/false , Present for files only.
- string "md5" - File's md5 signature. Present for files only.
- string "macro-start-delimiter" - Macro start delimiter for a config file. Present for files only.
- string "macro-end-delimiter" - Macro end delimiter for a config file. Present for files only.
Available since: 10.2
int - 1 on success, exception thrown otherwise.
int - 1 on success, exception thrown otherwise.
struct - Configuration Channel information
- int "id"
- int "orgId"
- string "label"
- string "name"
- string "description"
- struct "configChannelType"
struct - Configuration Channel Type information
- int "id"
- string "label"
- string "name"
- int "priority"
struct - Configuration File information
- string "type"
- file
- directory
- string "path" - File Path
- string "channel_label" - the label of the central configuration channel
that has this file. Note this entry only shows up
if the file has not been overridden by a central channel.
- struct "channel_type"
struct - Configuration Channel Type information
- int "id"
- string "label"
- string "name"
- int "priority"
- dateTime.iso8601 "last_modified" - Last Modified Date
struct - Configuration Revision information
- string "type"
- file
- directory
- string "path" - File Path
- string "channel" - Channel Name
- string "contents" - File contents for text files only.
- int "revision" - File Revision
- dateTime.iso8601 "creation" - Creation Date
- dateTime.iso8601 "modified" - Last Modified Date
- string "owner" - File Owner
- string "group" - File Group
- int "permissions" - File Permissions (Deprecated)
- string "permissions_mode" - File Permissions
- boolean "binary" - true/false , Present for files only.
- string "md5" - File's md5 signature. Present for files only.
- string "macro-start-delimiter" - Macro start delimiter for a config file. Present for files only.
- string "macro-end-delimiter" - Macro end delimiter for a config file. Present for files only.
Available since: 10.2
int - 1 on success, exception thrown otherwise.
int - 1 on success, exception thrown otherwise.
Generated on 7/31/2009