1.2. Apache Configuration

One potential performace gain for your CMS installation can be found in using mod_gzip. This Apache module performs content acceleration by compressing the content delivered to the web client. mod_gzip does not require software on the client side, and works with most modern web browsers.

One location in the CMS where mod_gzip is most effective is on the admin page; compression of greater than 70% is feasible. The same should be true for any page with a large amount of content objects.

To enable mod_gzip using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, place the following line in the LoadModule section of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:

LoadModule mod_gzip modules/mod_gzip.so

The module file mod_gzip.so needs to be in /usr/lib/httpd/modules/. However, if you get your module from an RPM package, this might already be done as part of the package. Check in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ for a gzip.conf file, where the LoadModule line is actually located. If this is present, you don't need to add the LoadModule line in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.

Finally, you will need to reload or restart httpd for changes to take effect:

service httpd reload